Moving In With Your Idiot Brother (Who is kinda adorable)

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Chapter Three: Moving In With Your Idiot Brother (Who is kinda adorable)
Sollux’s POV

My head ached and my body felt like a train had hit it, though I know it didn’t, the comparison was quite similar. I open my eyes, to unfortunately see that the dream that fooled me into believing everything was okay, was not at all true.

But I didn’t cry this time. Instead I sat up and examined the room that was in no way my own. Clothes littered the floor, and Sonic The Hedgehog remained paused on the large TV directly in front of me. 8 bit music playing lightly, as if trying to keep quiet so I could rest. Fat chance.. The room was dark despite a lamp beside the TV and the said objects flashing glow. Curtains to the window to the far right of me were shut and from the warm bumblebee themed blankets (Which were not only extremely comfortable, but badass.) I was wrapped inside, hell no I was not going to get off my ass and open them.

There was a clock beside me, which to my surprise was also bumble bee themed, Its blue glow read 4:00PM
I had actually slept through and entire day. Thats more sleep than I had gotten in 3 years. Fuck. Yeah.

Considering this, I got off my lazy ass, dragging the large comforter behind me and opened the door. I didn’t remember too much of leaving Davids shitty apartment, except for the fact I completely lost all common sense. Jesus christ, I had to get ahold of myself. The car ride was a blur, I think I remember voices asking me something,l but I guess lack of proper sleep caught up.

I guess this was what’s his names room, my brothers. But I wanted to be sure. Waking up in places of random origin would freak anyone out. I open the door nervously shivering at the slightly colder air out there than there was inside the room. I look to my left and jump back

“Sweet mother of shitoni!”

“Whath a thitoni.”

I have no idea who the fuck thought it was rational to just stand there awkwardly. Personally I think that punching this guy in the face and going back to play Sonic was a great idea, but you figured this guy might be a friend of your fathers so you just take a moment to calm yourself down. Plus, he was kinda cute. Well, from what you could see.

“Who are you?” The most reasonable question to ask.

“You don’t remember me?”

“Have I met you?”

The guy looked utterly crushed, not that you could see his eyes. His long bangs covered everything and stopped at the middle of his nose. But the ever so apparent frown on his face confirmed your suspicions.

“Good afternoon Sollux. I see you have reaquanted yourself with Mituna.”


“He dothent remember me!!!”

“Give him a break, he has not seen you for many years. Sollux, this is your brother.”


________________________*Time Skip brought to you by the magical taste of apple juice*

I sit on the couch fiddling with my laptop, not doing much but making it look like you were doing something. Mituna sat on the other-side mindlessly watching some program on the TV. Simon had said he was your brother... It was believeable. But it looked so much different from the brother I remembered from when I was just a little kid. Really hyper too. I had to share a room with him. There was another room in the house, which I wouldn’t mind inhabiting at all, but Simon claimed was off limits. There was an attic too, which I really wanted to root around in. I got to peek up there with ‘tuna for awhile. It was huge and the large window was beautiful beyond words. Little shapes carved into each inch. I would stay up here all day, if it wasn't for the fact that everything was still sore from the fight with David, and my legs currently hated anything to do with climbing, so 'Tuna had to help me up the latter. Mituna says the house is actually one of the oldest in the neighborhood, so its full of secret rooms and hallways. 

Figures since the outside of the house looked so much larger than inside. I make a mental note for if I ever get super bored, to look for some. Mituna claimed he didn’t find any, but the way he kept smiling proves he just wanted to keep his privacy. Which of course I understand, so I stopped asking questions. Sooner or later we kinda just found our selves here. Being lazy as shit. Simon had taken off to do something or another. You weren’t exactly listening to him when he said bye.

“Does he leave often?” I ask curiously, I can’t really imagine dad leaving Mituna home alone for long periods of time. He was so clumsy it was unbelieveable. He almost fell 3 times on the way up the stairs, and another two going back down.

“Yeah. He dothent like thaying home.”

“Oh.” I know he’s old enough to take care of himself, but you could see him getting in a fatal accident. Talk about worrying. I don’t really know how to respond, and I feel like asking more questions will upset him, so I shut my mouth. Finally getting bored of pretending I was actually doing anything at all, I shut my laptop and set it on the coffee table in front of us.

“I’m sorry I didn’t remember you at first. You look really different.” Small talk was always a good idea, right?

“Ith fine. I’m thorry you’re tho thort.”

Excuse me? Did he just- oooohhhh hell no. I am not going to have this. Just because he is a fucking abnormal giant does not mean he has a right to call me short. I were taller than Karkat! Which I suppose that everyone is, but still. It helps prove a point.

“Well, thorry about that lithp there.” Suck it bitch.


“Touche.” I smirk at him, inwardly cheering at my small win. He giggles, and I can’t help but give an all out grin. Maybe this wouldn’t be as terrible as I thought.

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