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Chapter Seven:   Packing

By the time the boys had made their way down stairs, after lots of pushing and shoving and loud exclamations of who was going to be tails, Simon had set out plates and scooped bacon and eggs onto each of their plates. He eyed them with a mild amusement before sitting down in his chair at the small round table and watching them take theirs.

Sollux, being excited as he was for the bacon, dove right in. Chewing the delicious meal and savouring the flavor. It was not often the Captor boys had a home cooked meal. it was mainly frozen waffles, toast, or TV dinners, which they weren’t really supposed to eat for breakfast in the first place.  Mituna eyed Simon suspiciously, both going into a staring contest. After a few moments and Sollux realizing that nobody else was eating, he looked up dumbly dropping the piece of bacon he was half way through from his mouth.

“Why is no one else eating?”

“Thimon hath newth”

“Indeed I do.”

“Soooo....What is it?” Simon and Mituna tear their gaze away from eachother to look at the youngest Captor. Simon sighs and Mituna looks back at his father.

“Were moving temporarily. Certain things have come up and...Well. We will be moving to Meulin’s cabin home on the lake for awhile. Kurloz has gone out of town for the month on business and she needs some company to keep her sane.”

“Sounds nice, I don’t remember her to well... But I remember tubing up there. And learning to swim.”

“Meulinth cabin? Thath awethome!!!”

“I’m glad you too are on board. We will be staying there for at least a month, maybe more depending on her...situation. So I recommend you both use your time and pack up what you will need.”

“Thounds good to me.”

“UUUGH. that requires extreme amounts of effort. It’s 10:00 AM!”

“I didn’t say you had to rush into it. Do as you please. Just make sure it’s done by the end of today and tomorrow. You can both bring a friend up for company.”

“IM BRINGING LATULA.” Sollux rolled his eyes, ignoring the strange feeling in his gut.

“Can I bring Karkat?”

“Sure. As long as it’s okay with his family.”

“Sweet. Thanks Simon.”

All three of the boys ramblings about the upcoming trip soon turned into idle conversation as the last of breakfast was finished, and Simon started cleaning the dishes Sollux left the room to talk to Karkat about bringing him along. Sollux was actually really nervous. He didn’t remember a thing about Meulin, just swimming around a few times. With Mituna bringing someone else with him, he wouldn’t be able to make Sollux feel better, or show him around. Hint at whatever he was probably supposed to know. If Karkat could come, he would at least have somebody to make him feel less awkward. But what if he couldn’t come? What if Sainath didn’t let Karkat come? What if he had to go to one of Kankri’s speechy things?

Possibilities were endless, but there was a very good chance that he could come. Sainath was rather fond of the Captor family, and trusted Karkat with them all the time. Well, unless it was at his mother’s and Davids house. Sollux changed his mindset immediately not wanting to think about ‘That Day’

Sollux grabbed his suitcase and started to shove his favorite belongings inside, as well as clothes, leaving Karkat a text message about what was going on. Downstairs, Simon did not dare look up into his older son’s eyes as he did the dishes. Mituna always knew when something serious was up. It was something he had a bit of a knack for. He could feel eyes staring holes into his back. He refused to break the silence first. He knew that Mituna would break soon. He would tell Mituna why. He had to tell somebody other than Meulin so Mituna could understand the situation better. The house just wasn’t safe at the moment. Simon dearly hoped the looming doom would settle down by the month’s end  so they could move back.  After another 5-6 minutes, Mituna finally spoke up.

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