Of Stranger Things

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Chapter Five: Of Stranger Things
A/N: ~ that now means POV change

The next morning was Thursday, the morning went on as any other for the Captor boys, neither talking about the mess of limbs they woke up tangled in. Mituna feeling slightly confused, and Sollux thankful the other had not brought it up.

Breakfast had consisted of toast with peanut butter and honey for Sollux, and fruity pebbles for Mituna, he claimed that each color exploded in his mouth, whatever that meant. Sollux drops his dishes in the sink and ruffles Mituna’s hair, walking out of the kitchen he debated on what he wanted to do that day, completely oblivious to the blush painted upon Mituna’s cheeks.

“Hey ‘Tuna, wanna help me find secret rooms today? I’m bored.”

“Thorry, Thollux. I promithed my friend Latula I would go to the thkate park with her.”

“Alright. Remember your helmet this time.”

It wasn’t the first time Mituna went to the skatepark to hang out with this Latula girl. ( think they might be dating.) it also wasnt the first time it kind of bugged you. Made you feel a little lonely. You weren’t sure why. Everyone has other friends. You and Karkat still kept in touch, you even had Simon drive you up to his place one time. Which was quite enjoyable. Mituna hugs you and kisses your cheek before heading out the door, skateboard under his arm and a goofy grin on his face. His bangs whipping back to give you a small glance at his beautiful eyes. You blush, your thoughts and his actions were really betraying your non blushing skills.

Whatever Sollux, stop thinking about your possible crush on your older brother. (Even though its totally more than possible since you just subconsciously admitted it) Find something to do.

You spend a few hours playing Sonic, and another hour looking for secret passages. You found one in the space between your room and Mituna’s room and the bathroom. Its as big as the living room and looked pretty comfy. You carve your name into the wall to claim the spot as yours, and make yourself at home. After awhile you get bored and walk aimlessly around the house.

But each time you pass the forbidden door, the temptation to peek inside was growing.
Until the 15th time you passed it and couldn’t help yourself. You open the door and peek inside. There was a window letting sunlight get through, white was everywhere. Everything was colored white. It was actually surprisingly boring.

until a brown box in the corner caught your eye. You walk inside and shut the door behind you, coughing into your elbow as the dust stirs in the air. You make your way slowly to the box noting the creaky floorboards. You look over the rim of the box and see several contents, a large framed picture, and several baseballs, tickets to places of all different kinds, what looked like a wedding photo, and a scrap book. You carefully pick up the large picture frame. You feel sick looking at it. You stumble backwards and hit the wall trying to calm your breath a sob escapes your throat.

She looked so happy. Beautiful. It was your mother. Her hair in a long elegant braid, her smile beaming and her eyes are the brightest emeralds you had ever seen. You remember this day. This was the time everyone piled into the truck and went to the park. Beside your mother Simon, looking like the happiest man alive. He looked younger and had a twinkle in his eye. they’re holding hands and looking past the camera, as if unaware it was taking the shot. You remember from experience that they were watching you and Mituna try (and fail) at playing baseball. You couldn’t really hold up the bat. And ‘Tuna was a terrible pitcher. You both called it even settling for climbing trees, playing tag, and hide and seek instead.

After that you all went out for ice cream. You crumbled to the ground in the corner with a sob, sending more dust a fly. It only made to seem you cry harder, you were clutching the photo close to your chest bent over crying. Hiccups sliced through your cries to anything out there, you silently begged for some magical thing to bring your mother home.

“I-I’m sorry!!! I-I never meant to let it happen! I love her just like everyone else!”

You let out a scream of frustration, as tears drip down your chin, seemingly never ending. You feel arms wrap around you awkardly due to the position you were in. You hiccup and sniffle, reaching up to wipe your eyes, meeting the ones of your brothers.


_~**With Mituna**~_

Today, was fucking rad. Latula taught me how to grind without falling on my head, and I feel I have truly mastered it. Well, kinda. I tried to call Sollux, and tell him I was on my way home. But he didn’t answer. I guess he just left it in the other room or something. Whatever. He could chill for a few minutes. I tried not to think negatively. Though, I did start riding my board home instead of walking to go faster. I think Simon will be home too, and I always want to be there to welcome him home. I know he only stayed out to help the family. Most of the time it was work, but the other half was he just couldn’t stay still. Which I can relate too.

The house is in view now, and of course, I was right. Simon’s truck is in the driveway. I grin and dash ahead jumping of the board to hug him, he laughs heartily hugging me back.

“What are you doing out here?”

“I was skateboarding with Tula!”

“Sounds fun! You know, I used to skateboard too, infac-”

A loud scream of what sounded like desperation sounded through the air, both of you panicked and ran for the door swinging it open.


“Sollux where are you?!”

A sob is heard from upstairs, and you both race up, worried for the youngest of the family. Bursting through the now open door that was supposed to be untouched, Mituna ran over kicking dust around, and kneeling in front of his brother hugging him tight. Simon cast his eyes to the ground slowly walking it, and looking around looking close to tears. He kneeled in front of his sons, and took them both into a large hug.

“I know you miss her...”

“I-I didn’t know she was going to die, I said such terrible things, so many things...”

“I miss her too...Sollux, wherever she is now, she knows you didn’t mean those things. We all know.”

“Thollux, pleathe don’t cry...”

“I-I’m sorry....”

Simon Captor released his children gently taking hold of the picture of all of them. wiping his now wetted eyes, and kissed both Sollux’s and Mituna’s foreheads.

“I remember this day... Truly one of the best.”

Mituna let go of his younger looking over Simons shoulder to get a better view.

“Hey Thollux! Thith wath the day we tried playing batheball and went out for icthcream!”

“Yeah...You almost gave yourself a black eye...”

“Hey, that wath not my fault. That wath the fault of the ball.”

Sollux gave a weak smile and a shaky laugh sniffling and wiping his eyes.

“Sure, okay... Just keep telling yourself that.”

Mituna sat back down next to Sollux wrapping him in another safe warm hug. Simon put the picture back in the box and ruffled his childrens hair.

“She loved you both so much. Sollux, she knows its not your fault. It’s time you found out as well.”

The room goes silent for a moment and Simon breaks the silence shutting the box once more. He made his way to the door taking one last look around before motioning for his boy to get up.

“C’mon. Get off your butts.  You aren’t supposed to be in here. But, if you guys ever need to talk...I’m here.”

Mituna helps Sollux up to his feet. Sollux thanked him silently blushing lightly. Simon gave once last meaningful/ curious look at his kids before sending them off to bed, noticing that it had gotten dark. That night Sollux lay cuddled closely to Mituna, a thing that seemed would start becoming habit. He was tracing little circles into Sollux’s back in a comforting way.

“I did hear about what happen...”

“You dont hate me right?”


Mituna’s face flushed and he looked up at the ceiling before seemingly gaining courage and bringing down to give a chaste kiss on his lips. Sollux froze.

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