Fireworks Festival Pt 2

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Chapter Eleven: Fireworks Festival Pt 2

A/N: If you didn’t put two and two together, Damien is Dualscar, and Simon is The Psiioniic. :)


Even though you and Karkat had to clean the kitchen now, and it was probably going to take up a precious hour of your time, you cannot say you regretted pelting him straight in the face with fresh, chocolatey brownie. His expression alone at that moment was enough to keep you laughing till you were old grey and wrinkly.

But, then again, you were set to the task of wiping chocolate off everything while Karkat swept the floor, and the amount of chocolate smeared everywhere was insane.

You probably weren’t ever going to find them all but you’re sure that as long as you get the main ones out of sight, Meulin won’t drag you back to clean it. Karkat was still mumbling curses under his breath by the time you finished cleaning off the cupboards. Grumpy little shit. He started it in the first place. But you don’t say anything, just finish cleaning and laugh as he struggles to get everything in the dustpan. That was by far the most tedious part of sweeping the floor, no matter who you are.

“Sollux hold the fucking dust pan.”


“So I can fucking finish!”

“Nah, I’m good. I’m pretty much finished myself, so see ya.”


But alas, Sollux had already left the room and walked down the hall, up the stairs and sat himself in the upstairs living room, putting on  MythBusters It was useless to try and call him back now, unless you were dying. Which you weren’t. So tough luck.

You sigh getting on your hands and knees finishing up the lame task and throwing the dirt into the dust pan. You shove dishes hastily into the dishwasher, and make your way out of the house, to find Eridan. You had’nt seen him since you stole his stuff. Which, he chased you down till you ran out of breath and fell on your back laughing. In easier terms, he got them back. Which was a bit of a shame. You really wanted to skim through some of his texts. Whatever, you’re sure that there would be another chance to.

You run up the stairs flipping Sollux off as you go to your own room, and stare a moment at the suitcase you still have neglected to completely unpack. God, you really need to stop procrastinating. But you know you probably still will. You flop over on your bed and put a pillow over your head. You sound like a little cheesey girl saying it, but holy shit, you really liked Eridan.

You think he liked you too, maybe not in the way you would like him to, but it was nice to have another friend. It was a rare occurrence when this happened, mainly because your rough personality and vulgar language tended to scare people off. Which is mainly what you were shooting for. People suck.

Back to the situation at hand. The pompous hipster asshole had you by the fucking balls, and you were way too much of a wuss to act upon the fact that you somehow actually found that obnoxious fucking stripe of purple in his hair, to be attractive. Yeah, you’ll probably slap yourself for saying that, even if it was mentally, later.

The sun was slowly setting, starting to disappear behind the trees making them glow with a mysterious elegance. Soon the party goers would come alive hooting and hollering at the fireworks as the sped their expensive boats up and down the lake disturbing the peace. Ugh. You liked fireworks, really, you did. But honestly, what is so hard to take in the silence and be thankful for it every once and awhile? There was something about the pristine gentleness of the quiet that soothed you, unless you were alone. It was a bit unsettling then, and your voice always seemed to slice through it in rough tones breaking it.

You weren’t to happy about that. Digging through your suitcase you grab out a pair of red skinny jeans and a black medium sleeved shirt, putting them on and walking out of the room plopping down beside Sollux.

“Don’t you get tired of watching these? You’ve pretty much fucking seen them all.”

Sollux eyed him up and down, raising an eyebrow questionably at him.

“Why the fuck are you all dressed up?”

“Its a fucking shirt and pants. I’m not dressed up.”

“For you, its like, a suit. Normally you’re all sweaters and sweat pants.”

“Fuck you.”

“Whoa man, take me out for a fucking drink first.” The asshole snickered at his own joke, as if it was the funniest shit ever. What a douche.

“Shut the fuck up! You know what I meant. And I’m not the one screwing my brother over here.”

Your comment is rewarded with a blush and a frown, which you are very proud of.

“We aren’t screwing. God kk.”


“Should’nt you be trying to make Ampora swoon or something?”

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