Fireworks Festival Part 1

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Chapter Ten: The Firework Festival part 1

A/N:I split the chapter in half, so you guys could actually get something to read. I am so sorry I haven’t updated!
P.S. Hi Hannah. ;)



Eridan had finally gotten Karkat to let him teach him how to swim last week, and he was improving greatly. Though the water still made him visibly nervous, he could at least keep his head above the water. His strokes were a bit sloppy but not bad in the least. Like I said. Improvement.  Eridan was currently in the water right now, lazily keeping himself afloat watching Karkat swim around in sloppy circles with a proud smirk upon his face. It may have been just the sun, or the chilly water embracing his form, but to Eridan, Karkat did truly seem to shine.

“You seem to be getting the hang of it, Kar.”

“Hell yeah I am! By the end of this fucking trip, I’ll be better than you, ya fucking fish.”

“As flattered as I am by your statement, I do not have gills.”

“Yeah, but you totally wish you did.”

“Maybe, maybe not. You never know-w.”



“Hipster trash.”

“Grandpa Grumps.”

“That was the worst comeback ever.”

“Shut up, Kar.”

“Nah. I’m alright.”

Eridan rolled his eyes, giving the other a small smile that Karkat more than happily returned. The two swam around a bit longer, Eridan seemingly lost in thought about something until Karkat splashed him and dove underwater. For a moment, he didn’t come back up sending Eridan in a state of panic, until he felt Karkat grab him from behind.


“Not funny! I thought you drowned!”

“Pfft. As if.”


Karkat gave the other a goofy grin making Eridan blush, but before he could say a word Karkat pushed him underwater and ran up onto the sand, grabbing Eridan’s scarf and phone, and running away with a yell of victory.


Yeah, Eridan could really get used to this.


Mituna lay upon the roof of the now finished tree house. Simon, Damien, and Meulin helping with some last minute touches Latula and Mituna couldn’t quite handle on their own. Gazing up through the green leaves into the glaring sunlight that taunted him with suspense of that night. Would his plan work? Would everyone love the treehouse? Would Sollux?

With Two Door Cinema Club blasting through his earbuds, He didn’t at all hear Latula sit next to him on the perch. She tapped him upon the shoulder startling him out of his trance. Mituna jolted a little giving her a genuine freaked out look, taking his earbuds out.

“Oh my god Latula don’t thcare me like that!!”

She giggled and adjusted her red shades, laying next to her and looking up at the sunlight with him. A small smile played on her lips.

“You excited?”

“Yeah...Nervouth too.”

“You really like him huh?”

“Thollux? of courthe. I love him.”


Why? That was a bit of a challenging question to answer. Of course, the answer’s themselves were simple to say, the look in his eyes, how his teeth showed when he smiled, the snort in his laugh, the expression of surprise, the soft touch of his lips. When he lets his walls down to snuggle.

The hard part, was knowing what dangers lie behind the question. When why slipped through someone’s lips, it was often because they didn’t understand, or were jealous. Mituna had never pegged Latula to be the jealous type, she had everything a girl could want. Talent, beauty, a loving family, good grades, etc. Oh, but that question felt like a dagger. A very dangerous question if not handled correctly. Mituna hesitated, thinking over possible reactions to each answer.

“Thereth loth of thingth you could be athking me. Why what?”

Now it was Latula’s moment to stop and think. The frown seemed to grow on her face. Her eyebrows furrowed, seemingly showing her train of thought. Her eyes probably frantic behind her red shades.

“Why not me?”


“I was with you every step. Every fall, every time somebody broke your heart. To help you with school, with family, to help you when you missed your mom...Why not me? Why did you fall for him? He’s...He’s your brother too! It not really...Never mind...I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to just go out on you like that. I understand you don’t like me like that.. I just...”

Latula sighed looking the other way. Maybe she should have just stayed home. Mituna smiled sadly pulling ‘Tula up into a large hug, and kissed her forehead.

“‘Tula, pleathe don’t be thad...I’m thorry...I didn’t mean to make you feel bad...”

Latula smiled a little and shrugged. “It’s cool... You didn’t mean too. I didn’t mean to be so petty.”

“It’s not petty. Ith good you got it off your chetht...I’m thorry about not being to like you like that.”

Latula nodded hugging him back tightly. “Thank you ‘Tuna...Good luck with Sollux tonight.”

Mituna blushed rubbing the back of his neck releasing the other from the hug. “Y-yeah...Me too.”

Simon knocked on the branch, a little behind them to grab their attentions. “Mind if I butt in?”

Latula and Mituna looked at each other then nodded.

“Uh, yeah. sure.”

“We finished the last touches. Everything for a movie projector should be good, running water doesn’t really work yet. That’s not really going to be an option, but we are loading you guys up with a cooler full of sodas. Sound good?”

“Thoundth great!!!”

Latula nodded happily raising her hand in the air, and Simon clapping it with his own to make a beautiful high five. Back at the cabin, Sollux and Karkat were making snacks and treats for the celebration later that night. What would a festival be without food to gorge yourself with? Not a festival. Thats what. There were brownies in the oven, sandwiches wrapped in tinfoil to keep them fresh, and some cookies that they bought from the store, but are probably going to take credit for.

“So, hows it goin with Ed, kk?”

“What is with you and your stupid fucking abbreviations of names.”

“Answer the questions dumbass.”

“Ugh, you are such a fucking creeper. Were fine.”

“Has he made a move yet?”

“Sollux stop. please.”

“I am curious. and I feel I have the right to know since I am your best friend.”

“Since I am your best friend, I feet I have a fucking right not to answer such shitty questions.”

“So no?”

“Ugh, no Sollux. He hasn’t made a move, and nor have I.”

“Grow a pair and kiss him. He obviously likes you back.”

“How the fuck would you know?!”

“Like you said, I’m a creeper.” Sollux grinned wiggling his fingers in front of Karkat’s face, laughing creepily. Karkat, after a long string of cusses and telling Sollux to cut it out, smashed a cooling brownie in the others face.
You can probably just assume how the kitchen looked from there...And how Meulin reacted. It’s safe to say they weren’t going to have a lot of snacks later.

“You two should know better than this! You are going to clean each and every inch of this kitchen! It better be sparkling even more than it started when I come back!

With that, Karkat and Sollux gave each other looks filled with silent laughter. both most likely thinking the same thing. ‘So worth it.’

Another Way To BreatheTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon