Feelings with a side of BACONNNN

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Chapter Six: Feelings with a side of BACONNNN

A/N: This is like, the shortest chapter ever. I am so sorry. School gets me sidetracked, I will be starting on the next chapter pretty much as soon as this is posted, so pretty much as you are reading. If you have any ideas for what should happen in future chapters, leave a comment of it and I will find a way to work it in!
Enjoy~ :)

HOLY SHIT WHAT DID YOU DO. Your name is Mituna Captor, you have a seriously big crush on your younger brother. You like skateboarding, and if you get worked up you can’t seem to calm down. You are hard-headed, have a perverted mind sometimes, and YOU HAVE POSSIBLY JUST FUCKING RUINED YOUR LIFE. You kissed your little brother. On the lips. You could have just went to sleep, but noooo you just had to feel those stupidly soft honey like lips against yours. You are finding it hard to regret the action, but you do wish Sollux would say something, jesus christ!

“Thollux, I am tho thorry! I just, I kinda lotht control or wait, that thoundth wrong, It kinda jutht happened, pleathe don’t hate me or anything. I couldn’t really help it becauthe you’re really nice and thtuff-”

You’re cut short by soft velvet lips connecting once more with yours. Holy shit. He was kissing you. He WAS KISSING YOU. You promise to celebrate more when you are alone. (Which means blaring happy music and dancing like a flamingo trying to skateboard up a tree, when home alone.) You kiss back immediately and pull him closer to you. He was yours. No one could touch him but you. No one could kiss him or see him like this but you.

You whisper sweet nothings into each others ears, and fall asleep blissfully holding eachother close.


The morning brought new expectations for our captor boys, as well as news, and...whats that? Do I smell bacon? hell yes. I smell some bacon. Sollux’s eyes flutter open, the yummy fragrance reaching his nose and filling his senses. Mituna’s eyes stare back at him.

“I smell bacon.”

“Me too. I think thimon ith here.”

“Bacon sounds fucking amazing right now.”

“Thimon doethn’t cook unleth thomthings up.”

“It’s bacon, Mituna.”


“What the fuck are we still doing up here then?”

“Becauthe your warm and I’m lazy.”

“Mituna, I want bacon.”

“I want thnugglths and love.”

“Bacon is temporary, we can always cuddle.”


Mituna reluctantly retracted his arms from around the younger Captor and untangled their legs. Sollux rolled of the bed with a thud groaning for a moment, then seemingly remembering what he was getting up to do ran for the door and gave Sollux the most terrifying glare he ever saw.

“Last one there has to play tails for the rest of the week on Sonic.”

Mituna’s mouth fell open and he jumped to his feat trailing out after Sollux and stumbling down the stairs.

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