Moving In Meulins Cabin

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Chapter Eight: Moving Into Meulin's Cabin

A/N: *casually drops Erikar in* and for the sake of my sanity (I had to re write this chapter a few times because I kept forgetting) Meulin is not deaf. THIS IS PROBABLY THE LONGEST CHAPTER YET OH MAH GAWD.


Luckily for Sollux, Sainath, Karkat's dad, let him go with the Captor's. Unlucky for Sollux, Latula did come with them. And she was really cool. Was he jealous? Pffft. No. Why would he be jealous? Because Mituna was having the time of his life with her currently? pffffffft.

Sollux was more than happy when they finally pulled to a stop in front of a homey wooden cabin. The front of the cabin looked over a large beautiful lake that glittered in the sun and the laughs of children could be heard clear as day though they were on the otherside of the body of water. Sollux immediately climbed  out of his seat and out of the car pulling his suitcases from the back of the truck. To his surprise, Karkat had his things already and held a look of annoyance. Sollux could tell the 3 hour ride took a lot out of him.

In short, the ride consisted if Latula and Mituna singing along to every song that played on the radio, and Karkat grumping about how Lady Gaga was certainly better than Katy Perry. When people started falling asleep, since Karkat was in the middle, everyone fell on him, and the amount of drool he found on his sweater could not be normal.

"When the ever living fuck can we go inside. My stuff is heavy, I am tired and I'm covered in fucking crumbs."

Oh yeah. Let us not forget the small food fight Sollux got in with Mituna with pretzels. Whoops.

"Chill out kk. We'll go inside soon."

Everyone finally rounded up all their things and Meulin barreled out of the house giving everyone large bear hugs. After greeting everyone she showed them all inside. Quickly showing everyone four the large rooms on the second floor that connected to a middle living room that led to the deck looking over the lake. These would be everyones rooms. Everyone could pick which ever they wanted, and could change whatever they felt needed changing. Meulin pulled Simon aside for a private conversation.

"I wish you would work with me on this Simon"

"I know, I promise, if it's not safe we will stay."

Meulin sighed.

"I'm worried about you guys..."

"Meulin you needent worry, its a small matter. It will blow over. When will Kurloz be coming back?"

"Around the beginning of next month if everything with the company goes well."

Meulin sighed once more seeming a little more at ease, as she watched the children pick their rooms and pull their belongings inside.

"Alright. I'm sure that is plenty of time then."

She thanked him with a nod and gave him what time dinner would be served at, then vanished downstairs leaving Simon to decide what a good use of his time would be. Deciding that getting the boat ready for action, he left to his own room downstairs to change into some work clothes and left to clean the water machine.

In the room on the left side (right side of the upstairs living room) Mituna was lazily unpacking his things with Latula, each of them cracking jokes at eachother and making plans for what to do for the day.

"We thould go thwimming!"

"Sure! That sounds freaking rad! Do you think we can skateboard around here?"

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