Lose to Gain:1

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Ivory POV

Mom!! Mom!

Shaken awake Dad hands me coffee as we sit in the waiting room of the surgery wing. Staring at the red light she's still in there. 

I could feel dad anxiously shake his leg. This tension and stress is too over whelming. How did I end up here tonight? Tonight was going to be my night. The night we celebrated me getting into my dream school in Seoul. Instead, I come home to see the local ambulance taking my mom to the ER. 

Feeling my dad pat my head made the tears come that I've been holding back.

"Don't worry Ivory, Your mother is a fighter. They said she'll wake up soon." From what dad told me she used an old chair to reach for something in the kitchen. One of the legs gave out causing her to fall and hit the side of her head on the table. 

"And what about the bill?" He looked at me shocked. I know that our restaurant the Sunny Chicken hasn't been making as much money lately. The past few years people have been remodeling the town pulling away the business. Even my mothers famous chicken didn't stand a chance.

"I have it taken care of. Lets just pray for your mother right now."

"Okay Dad." Is what I said to him but I knew that the moment mom gets out of surgery I'm going to try and get a few part time jobs.

A few hours later the light turns off and her doctor walks out smiling. My father gets up to speak with him. I follow behind. 

"She is doing fine. We were able to stabilize her. Our only worry is that she hasn't woken up. My guess is that she might be in a mild coma. Were going to do a few more tests on her and then you will be able to see her."

"Oh thank you for saving her life." We both bow to him and he smiles leaving. I heard the biggest breath of relief coming from my dad and he hugs me very tightly.

"Thank God. She's going to be okay." He kisses my forehead and still holds on to me. The weight of worry leaves but along with that comes me making moves to help my family.

Going for some fresh air, the roof has a pretty patio on it. Going to the balcony you can see the river and forest glow under the moonlight. The warm breeze of summer takes over my body. 

From the corner of my eye I see a man around my age stand a ways down from me. I see him pull out smokes then dig in his pockets. 

His deep voice cuts through the silence. "Aye you got a light?"

"A what?" I reply

"A lighter."

"Ohh no, I don't smoke. You shouldn't either." Girl why do you get into other peoples business?

"Ha you right. I quit for my brother but with him getting sicker It's the only way I can cope."

"What's going on with him?" He hangs his head and sighs. 

"My little brother has had leukemia for 3 years only being 8 years old. Isn't that something? He can't even have a normal childhood."

"Are your parents here too?"

"They died when Chung was a baby. So it's just my Aunt, brother and I." I try not to give him a sad expression but I know he sees it. He just smirks at me. 

"By the way I never got your name and we look to be around the same age." We were speaking informal to each other. 

Before I could answer a nurse come to get me. "Miss Rose Your mother has been moved to the recovery room."

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