👀👀I spy a fuckboi👀👀

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  Guys can be deceiving and seem loyal when they actually hoes. Gotta look out for the red flags🛑🛑

- He has the reputation of a fuckboi : ya don't get a rep for nothing. In some cases it could be wrongly given but most of the time he a hoe❌

- He hits you up randomly : if a guy only hit you up at 1 am once a week he is just seeing if he can get some from you. If a guy has feelings for ya he would make more of an effort to talk to you consistently

- He "jokes" about having sex : unless you guys are dating this guy is most likely just trying to see if your dtf

- He constantly compliments your body : There is a difference in being kind and telling you that your body is sexy everytime you talk. Sounds like he wants to see it, and is trying to get you to show him🤦🏻‍♀️

- He is really quick to send you pics : this is both because he wants you to see how "sexy" he is and wants to encourage you to send him the same🙅🏻‍♀️

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