5 minutes....or less

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Here are some ideas of what to do when you feel like you have nothing to do OR when it's time to take a quick break from binge watching youtube:)

⏳clean the mirrors⏳
⏳fold laundry⏳
⏳make your bed⏳
⏳clear the floors⏳
⏳put away clean dishes/ load dishwasher⏳
⏳wipe surfaces⏳
⏳dust the fan/blinds⏳
⏳take out the trash⏳

⏲rinse your face⏲
⏲brush your teeth⏲
⏲drink water⏲
⏲go for a walk⏲
⏲play with a pet⏲
⏲light a candle⏲
⏲get a snack⏲
⏲text a loved one⏲

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