{4} First Friend

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|Stanley's POV|
After the swim, we all sat down in the sun to dry off. I couldn't keep my eyes off Quinn. Every once in a while she would catch me staring, and I'd look away trying to hide my pink cheeks. It didn't really work. When it was time to leave, I decided to grow a pair and ask Quinn if I could walk her home.

|Quinn's POV|
I was leaving the area when a voice called my name.
"Hey Quinn, mind if I walk you home?" It was Stanley. He always stared at me, constantly. It used to make me really uncomfortable and self conscious, but I'm so used to it now that it never fazes me. I've always wanted to talk to him, get to know him. I couldn't though because of my future. Well, as Grandma said, I should make friends this summer, so I decided to make him my second one.
"I'd love that!"

|Stanley's POV|
I had arrived at her house. The Quinn Jacobs house. I was about to leave, when Quinn stopped me.
"Do you wanna.... come inside?" she asked. I could tell she was nervous.
My heath skipped a beat as I said a little too loudly, "Sure!"
"Hi Grandma, this is my new friend Stan!" she said. I blushed. No one ever called me Stan. Her grandma looked ecstatic. She hugged me and everything. When I got to Quinn's room, she apologized.
"Sorry about my grandma, she's just excited since I've never really had a friend before." It broke my heart to hear her say that.
"Well, I'm glad to be your first friend," I reply.
"Me too."

but will they become more than friends? duh duh duuuuuh

Right In Front Of Your Eyes// Richie Tozier, Stan Uris, Eddie KasbrakWhere stories live. Discover now