{8} Writers Block

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|Third Person POV|
Quinn brought Mike to the Quarry and introduced him to the group.
That was on Friday.
Today, is yet again, another Wednesday.
Throughout the week Quinn and Richie had given each other so much awkward eye contact it was unbearable.
Since Quinn never mentioned it, Richie assumed she wouldn't go back there.
He assumed she learned not to mess with the Richie Tozier.
But oh, was he wrong....

|Quinn's POV|
Today's the day I've been waiting for. To find out Richie's secret. If Richie was doing something "manly" he wouldn't have hidden it from me. So clearly he was doing something sensitive.
I snuck into the woods as quiet as possible. After about a 5 minutes walk I arrived at Richie's and my own spot. And sure enough there he was. I decided to get closer, silently crawling and hiding behind a rock.

|Third Person POV|
Right then and there, Quinn realized her and Richie were the same. They blocked their true selfs our from the world, so people would like them. Afraid that people wouldn't like them, afraid to be unloved. And she knew that since she was coming out of her shell, her new goal was now to make him come out of his.

|Richie's POV|
"You're a writer, huh?" I heard Quinn's voice as she stepped out behind a rock. Well shit.
"Are you stalking me?" I ask her, the best come back possible since I couldn't hide the fact I was writing. Maybe I'll throw her off track and she'll forget.
"Are you trying to throw me off this subject?" she snapped back in a sassy tone. I'm screwed.
She sat down next to me.
"Lemme read it," Quinn persisted.
"No," I say. She can't know that I write poetry. That's so embarrassing.
"Richie, you have two choices. Either you don't show me and I tell the other losers or I get to read it and I'll keep it a secret." Without hesitation I handed my notebook to her. No way in hell would I ever let the other losers see.
"Poetry, huh?" she said smiling.
"Ya," I shrug, trying to keep it cool.
"I'm trying to write a story, but I've got writers block right now." Why am I telling her this?
"Hmmmmm," Quinn replied in thought.
"Write about this spot, and what it means to you." I couldn't help but smile.
"Thanks Quinn."
"Why did you care so much about finding out about this?" I took a risk and asked. She thought for a minute.
"Because Richie, we're very similar. I think we'll need to be here for each other in the future."

|Third Person POV|
And in that moment, Richie Tozier knew that he was in love with Quinn Jacobs.


wow this is long. okay so do you guys want me to update a lot with short chapters or less often with long chapters like this please comment

Right In Front Of Your Eyes// Richie Tozier, Stan Uris, Eddie KasbrakWhere stories live. Discover now