Christmas planning!

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Christmas! Christmas is coming! Oh, the joys of Christmas!

Jungkook woke up with a large smile as he stretched his tired limbs away. When he was done, the smile never left, and he glanced beside him to see Jimin sleeping soundly with his arm over the top of the younger boy's head.

Jungkook now leaned on his front, staring at the sleeping Jimin as he placed his hands against his cheeks excitedly. "Awww, so cute... Sleeping so soundless... Doesn't need to be woken up..." He fluttered his eyes and sighed with a content beam. Then, he crawled up a little closer and placed his mouth gently against his ear, proceeding to whisper...

"... It's the moooost wonderful tiiiiMMMMEE OOOOOF THE YEAAAAAAAAAR!"

Jimin's eyes peeled open. First, they were at the ceiling, however slowly, yet steadily, they turned to the corners, and glared sharply at Jungkook – who, by the way, was placing his knuckles in his mouth trying not to giggle at Jimin's reaction. He knew Jimin didn't like to be woken up this way, but it was soooo funny!

"... It's the most wonderful time to get a bat up the ass all the way into your fucking intestines." Jimin drilled nails into Jungkook, but the boy didn't feel threatened at all because Jiminnie would never hurt him.

"Ya, get up! We need to get Christmas decorations!" He smooched Jimin's cheek and hopped out of the bed happily. He hummed the song aloud, making sure Jimin could hear it perfectly as he got dressed for the special occasion to go out and buy everything.

When he meant everything, he meant everything.

Kookie looked back to Jimin with expectancy, while Jimin was still burning fire in his eyes at Jungkook. He knew he was supposed to be going out today with the boy, however having his morning ruined like this was almost something to keep him from getting up.

But... Jungkook had never had a Christmas before. Knowing that he was so damn excited for today was enough to make him shift his mood just slightly, so he was willing to push away his disturbed sleep for now.

"Okay, okay. Just let me get up..." He grumbled and rubbed his tired eyes.

Jungkook jumped and yipped thankfully. "Thank you so much Jiminieeeee!" With a beaming grin, Kookie started hopping excitedly out of the room, leaving both the puppy and the man in the bed groaning.

-  -  -  -

"Okay... What is it that we needed again?" 

Together, they were in the local Wal-Mart to make sure Jungkook got any of the Christmas decorations he wanted. Jimin got over his morning mood – now, he was cooing over the sight of Jungkook excitedly looking around and very much full of determination to find the items he put on his list.

The dog sadly couldn't come along; he was still too skittish since he wasn't used to such attention. But no matter! Jungkook made sure to get him many many treats on Christmas day.

"Jimiiiiiiiiiiiiin, look at the candy canes they're giving out!"

"Yeah?" Jungkook pointed and the older looked at the little girl who got one of the candies, soon walking away happily while licking it. The cheerful Christmas music playing over the radio and with all the decorations everywhere already huddling over the store, was menacing to Jimin. Nah, nothing serious. He just hated Christmas. "What about it?"

"I want it I want it I waaant iiiiit!" Jungkook pulled Jimin's sleeve and practically begged. Jimin hummed.

"Should I give you an extra treat that isn't on the list? Then I guess I'll just have to return everything we bought..." Jimin looked away, pretending to find it a serious matter.

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