Jimin the sorrowful

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Jimin was having a drinking contest with Hoseok.

Quite frequently – usually once a month – they would go together and go to the bar. The reason behind it all was because Jimin wanted to win Hoseok. He wanted to stay sober way past Hoseok ever could, yet every time he would feel more angry and determined than ever when he lost every single time.

Unfortunately, tonight was no different.

"Aghhhhhhhhh yo' fuck'n asshole!" Jimin growled at Hoseok. The older boy had to drag him home before he'd start a brawl at the bar. Tonight he seemed to be extremely wasted, even more so than usual, and he waggled his lazy arms around angrily while Hoseok had him in a head lock.

He sighed and opened the door to Jimin's house, shoving the drunken boy to the ground as he sighed dramatically. "This kid..."

"Agh, Hoe-cock!" Jimin hissed through his fall. He clumsily got back up on his knees, balance entirely tipsy as he pointed to the older vampire accusingly, "Diminnie will win! One day, Diminnie will be the fuckin'..." He stopped, as if he had forgotten the word he wanted to use. "Y'know, the fuckin'... guy!"

Hoseok laughed and grabbed his hand, effortlessly starting to drag him to the living room. "Ah, Jiminnie. You're too upset to give comebacks right now."

"Fuck off am not! Stop dragging me like I'm some kind of luggage...!" His bottom lip quivered, though he stopped showing his frustration when Hoseok put him on the couch. After this, he had felt Hoseok lean in and wrap his arms around him. "Don't touch me, mortal!"

"We both know that is not true."

"Oh, whatever." He grunted and looked down. For a minute, they were both silent. Hoseok's caress was really helping him calm down; Jimin really enjoyed Hoseok's company. "Diminnie'll win one day... Diminnie'll win, Hoseok."

"I know, I know." Hoseok patted his back and rubbed circles. "You will one day." Somehow the air got thicker than intended. The sadness of the fact they were both vampires – the fact that one day something will go wrong, especially at Hoseok – made them both rather depressed. The day that Hoseok will be gone...

Only then would he win.

With a clear of a throat being heard in the room, both the boys turned their heads to look behind them. Jungkook looked sort of tired and disappointed; he had every right to be... Both the boys gave a guilty, puppy-like smile and said in sync, "Hi, Jungkook."

"More like good morning, guys." He said sternly. "Do you know how late it is?" When neither of them answered, the look of guilt still plastured on their faces, Jungkook answered himself. "It's two in the God damn morning and you've been out since five in the afternoon."

They lowered their eyes in shame, once again talking at once. "Sorry, Kookie..."

The younger boy went around the couch and stood in front of them with his arms crossing over his chest. "Again, Jimin?" He started. "You went out with Hoseok so you can do that stupid game of yours?" He looked at Hoseok, who scratched his head nervously, "No offense."

"None taken..." He smiled.

Jungkook looked back down at Jimin, who had his head hung down so low it almost looked pitiful. "Jimin, you're so lucky Hoseok was there to drag your sorry ass back home." Seconds later, he had found himself sitting on the couch thanks to Jimin pulling him down. "Jimin, what the hell are you doing?"

The vampire had his head leaning directly in Jungkook's gut, face down as he wrapped his arms around his waist. "I-I'm sorry..."

Jungkook pursed his lips together and sighed. His hand made way to the older's hair, brushing it slightly. "Jimin, I forgive you." Jungkook opened his mouth to continue, but Jimin squeezed him tighter and mumbled more.

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