We need to fix this

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All boys were in the big bed that night, cuddling together to keep each other warm. It should have seemed like any normal spooning night, however, only half an hour had passed and Jungkook couldn't sleep because of one little problem.

Jimin was mumbling in his sleep. Some incoherent, some not. Other than the words that spat out of his mouth, Jungkook found it so disheartening when he saw the corner of his eyes become wet during his sleep. Softly, Jimin would cry out 'sorry's' and sniffles would happen every now and then. Jungkook didn't know why until now, everything about Jimin seemed so normal...

He must have held everything in so well for this long he just... couldn't hold it in anymore.

Jungkook tried his hardest to calm him down that night. Stroking his hair and whispering sweet nothings in his ear, Jungkook couldn't help but smile softly at the memory that flooded his mind; the first time Jimin had done this for him was one of the best nights of his life.

"You're doing so well, Jimin..." He pressed his nose against the crying boy's cheek, stretching his arm over the other's chest to press him in closer. "Please stop crying."

-  -  -  - 

The next morning, Jimin and Hoseok were the ones who were out of bed when Jungkook woke up. Yoongi was there right beside him, curled up in a little ball, with his head peeping out of the blankets like a cute kid. He had an urge to wake him up – just as he always did to anyone who was still left in bed with him. As he was still very clueless about waking up the beast, Jungkook scootched closer and booped the snoot.

At first there was nothing, so he booped again. And again. And again. He continued until he got frustrated because he didn't wake up, so he just grunted in annoyance and grinned, knowing one way to wake him up.

With that grin still stuck on his face, Jungkook slipped his hand under the sheets and grabbed a particular familiar long friend.

Almost immediately, Yoongi's eyes flickered open and stared directly into Jungkook's soul.

"Good morning!" Jungkook chimed.

-  -  -  -

Having Yoongi angry pound him in the mattress that morning, they'd both made it in the kitchen after a shower with the smell of delicious breakfast filling their nostrils. Yoongi seemed a little happier than normal as Hoseok passed him his coffee, while Jungkook seemed rather unimpressed and had his hand holding his lower back as he sat down.

"Good morning, love birds."

"Good morning." Yoongi smiled to Hoseok. He sipped his coffee in delight, giving a glance over to Jungkook, who was glaring back at him.

"You guys are all brutal in bed..." Jungkook leaned his head against the table and groaned.

"Oh – Yoongi is really skillful in bed, isn't he?" Hoseok giggled as he slurped up his own cup. Yoongi simply smirked against the rim of his, sipping afterwards like a cocky bastard.

Jungkook rolled his eyes, glancing to Jimin with a look of pleading. As he opened his mouth, only then did he realize Jimin wasn't in the kitchen with them. He looked around the little room and absently mumbled, "Where's Jimin...?"

"Jimin..." Hoseok started, leaning his elbow against the counter, "He's in the bathroom. His hangover and stomach got the best of him, or so he says." The older vampire lost his smile for a little moment. "Can you go check on him for me? He's not saying anything to me."

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