Secrets unfold

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Marissa's POV

So of course I just had to be that curious little girl who says "I believe" out of a window so a dumb ass shadow can come kidnap me.

Being of this island with all these Once Upon a Time characters is driving me crazy. Especially Allie's constant swooning over Hook. I was gonna gag when I saw them talking about liking each other.

First off he's like 35 and she's 15. Second, we just met them. Third, we have bigger things to worry about.

That morning had been my third one since being kidnapped. The Lost Boys and Pan decided to go fishing so we were alone again. Allie decided that we should see Henry and get a few secrets out of him.

"Hey you guys are back!"

"Yea and we have some news," I said.

Allie kneeled down and put her hand on Henry's gripping the bamboo bar.

"Your family's here."

"What, they are!?"

He tried to stand up but forgot he had a cage over his head.

"Yup, your moms, grandparents, Tinker Bell and Hook."

"No Mr. Gold or my dad?"

"We didn't see them Henry, I'm sorry."

He looked at Allie and me and then the ground.

"Well, Allie don't forget that Neil's alive and Gold went to find him when he got here."

"Right, they are probably on this island somewhere."

He lifted his head up again and smiled.

"Good, now that you're happy, we have some questions to ask."

"What do you guys want to know?"

"What is Pan's weakness?"

"He doesn't have a weakness," he said shaking his head.

I reached into the cage and grabbed the collar of his shirt in my fist.

"Kid, you better spill or I will-"

"Marissa! Chill," Allie cried pulling me back.

My heart was racing, we need valuable info to use against that jerk of a kid who never grows up.

"I'm sorry Henry I'm just annoyed. Pan is a dirty, double-crossing, bitch."

"There are children present," Allie said.

"FYI I'm 14," he mumbled.

"Still, so what is his weakness," Allie repeated.

"He always talks about someone he lost years ago."

Me and Allie gasped and looked at each other, shocked.


"What," Henry asked confused.

"Marissa, Gold is Pan's son remember? Oh shit, I made out with a 37 year old man," Allie said wiping her mouth off, "ugh, I'm gonna be sick," she gagged.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Hahaha, sucks to be you."

"Shut up."

"Ok well at least we have a lead. Henry we need to pay a visit to your family and we'll be back later."

I rushed through the bushes and heard Allie stumbling after me.


"Yo, Marissa wait up! I'm tripping over tree roots here!"

"Come on slow poke, man up!"

"You try running without going over every single little rock and root," I cried.

"I am."

I rolled my eyes and ran faster to catch up.

"We gotta hurry, they're probably waiting for us!"

"I know we-AHHHHH!"

I stopped in my tracks where Marissa disappeared but my feet had to skid to a stop so I slipped off the same ledge. We tumbled down the hill and landed at the foot. I fell further away than Marissa did when I finally landed. I looked up and saw a brown leather boot.

"You alright there, lass?"

I looked up higher and Hook looking down at me and smiling. I blushed and nodded my head.

"Hehe, that was quite a fall," he said offering his hand.

I got up and saw Regina helping Marissa up. "Alright Casanova, quit your flirting. She's 15, you won't get the chance unless you were her age."

He smirked and shrugged. "Anything on Pan?"

"Yea," Marissa said cracking her back, "OW, but literally only one thing."

"It's better than nothing," Regina said.

"But the more we know, the better," I added.

"Alright well, we gotta get to the others, they would want to know this too," Hook advised.

We started off, got half way there when Hook unsheathed his sword and Regina sparked a flame in her hand.

"Guys, what's wrong?"

Through gritted teeth, "Someone's been following us."


Hmmmm, I wonder who's been following them. Tell me who you guys think it is. Oh and I apologize if you guys didn't see season 3 of Once Upon a Time and I'm sorry if I'm being a total walking spoiler alert.  Um, but I would like to here about who you think they're being followed by.

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