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My dark blue hair got lighter to almost an aqua color with pig tails and emo bangs. My skin got paler, it was almost at pale as porcelain. My dress was pitch black and blood red. My eyes are a very light aqua color. I look so different. According to what I've read about the dark realm, is that there are 3 stages in the angle process. Stage 1 has something to do with gaining power and equivalent beauty. Stage 2 is revealing yourself to the darkness. Stage 3 is complicated. It depends on what you look like and how you progress. Basically when i get to this stage I'll look very different. My looks aren't the only change. My personality too has changed. I really want to death glare at whatever comes my way. I'm away from my "family", Akane is dead, I have less friends then i usually do. I don't know whats wrong with me but i feel really emotional. This is normal after you lose someone you love. I sat down against a tree with my knees pulled up to my chest. I cried and cried until i couldn't cry no more. Is there something wrong with me? Why cant i get friends? Why cant i keep family? Why? Why this? Why me? Why now? I want this to end. I need to stop being worthless and cowardly. I will not lack bravery anymore. If anything i will be bravery. Suddenly something was crawling on my back. A HUGE fucking tarantula. " I am brave I am brave I am brave i am-" Before i could finish my sentence it sat on my head. " I am brave I am brave- FUCK THIS SHIT!!!" I screamed...very loudly. The tarantula scattered away to find it's next victim. What was I supposed to do now that I absolutely know there ARE spiders and creepy crawly things. I thought I saw a cottage near by, so i went to check it out. I loudly knocked on the door with all my mighty strength and accidentally punched a hole through it. "fuck." I said silently to myself. In an orderly badass fashion, i kicked down the door. " I ain't paying for that." I said truthfully. "Yo!!Anyone home!!??" I called out loudly. No answer. I sighed and surveyed the house. I looks up stairs, down stairs,the basement, what seems to look like a torture chamber and the attic. No one was here." I wonder who lives here." I said to myself curiously. "I do." says an unfamiliar voice. It came from a hot red head guy. "Dayuuum." I thought out loud. The hot stranger smirked. "I know i'm gorgeous but tell me who you are and why are you here." He demanded. "I am Roiyariti. Princess Mischief of the royal realm." Instead of curtseying I flicked him off with a cheerful smile full of glee. " I am Hirohite Prince of the Dark realm aka hottie." i was drooling wasn't I? Yes, I was. " Since your here your gonna live with me." he said slyly. "W-what?! I didn't agree with thi-" He shushed me. "You will if you like it or not."
He said in demanding tone. "Fine, but you better not try anything." "Haha, no promises."

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