Boys are better than girls - yeah right

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Five hours.
They had been in the damned car for five stupid hours.
And they still didn't know where they were going.
"Ehi Dick? Where exactly are we going?"
Aqualad wasn't feeling so well. He had been far from water too much time.
"San Francisco. Don't worry, we'll be there soon."
"Isn't that where Zatanna lives? (Sorry guys if that's not right, but I couldn't find Zatanna's town on the internet, so I just went along my memory. Tell me if it's wrong so I can put it right in the next chapters.)"
As always, the little demon stalker- Damian, knew everything about everyone. He could've been a great gossip journalist.
"Why? Is Zatanna going to be our new member?"
"Of course not carrot stain"
"Shut up demon brat!"
"Oh you're so gonna-"
"ENOUGH! I don't want you two to destroy my car!"
Roy and Damian kept glaring at each other for a few seconds more, and then they simply turned to look out of the windows.
"As I was trying to say. No Roy, Zatanna is not becoming part of the team. But someone very close to her is."
"And who is that?"
Dick just smirked.
"You'll see"


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"We're here!"
After 600 km, three food-stops and a water fight (the winner's pretty obvious) later, they stood in front of the magnificent Zatara mansion. (From this point I'm just going to make the house like I want 'cause I'm the author and I can)
A massive house with an enourmous garden (maybe even bigger than the one in the Wayne Mansion) of multicolored flowers. It was all in greek style, with white walls and greek columns: simple and elegant. So yeah,
It was pretty stunning.
After the initial shock, the group (esorted by Nightwing) got to the door.
To greet them was a beautiful woman: Zatanna.
After they sat down on the couches in the living room, they started to chat.
"Welcome. Do as if it is your home. I'm sorry my teammate couldn't greet you properly"
"It's okay Zee. I guess it must be hard for your sidekick. With the change of team and all"
"Yeah. But it will get better"
"You're right. How are things going in the city?"
"Good. My comrade has been a great help- But oh dear, please come here!"
Everyone turned their heads to where Zatanna was looking: and the young boys petrified. On top of the stairs was a wonderful girl with short black hair, pale skin, a delicate face and two pools of pure swirming amethyst as eyes. She had a mysterious aura around herself, something that intrigated the guys. She, surely, was the only example of her species. The boy remained like that until Nightwing got up to hug her.
"Rae-rae! It's so nice to see you"
She simply rolled her eyes.
"I'm so happy to see you Nightwing"  she stated in a monotone.
"We worked together for a while"
"Only a while Rae-rae? You hurt me! We worked together for six years! And we were best friends!"
They were too shocked to talk, move, or do anything. So Raven did the only logical thing: she changed the subject.
"So, they're the ones who would need my help....?"
It was more of a statement than a question.
"Yes. They're the Young Justice. They got trouble working together as a team, and we were hoping you could help them with teamwork."
At this point the guys had regained most of their mental-functions.
"Wait a moment. There must be an error. She can't be a part of the team."
Superboy slapped Roy in the head.
"Be nice!"
"Yeah Roy. I don't see why Raven shouldn't be a part of the Young Justice. She's a powerful and very valuable teammate."
Nightwing glared at him as he said so.
"Because she's a girl. Girls are weak. And boys are better than girls."
Raven just smirked.
"Yeah right"
Everyone looked at her.
"Well, boys are are stronger, faster, braver, intelligenter..."
"Of course. Boys are intelligenter" said Raven, her smirk only growing wider.
Everyone stifled a laugh.
"Anyway. I'm sure she can prove you wrong. What do you think Raven?"
"Of course Zee. If you want" she told Roy: " we can see if your theory is right"
"You're on"
And with that, everyone went to the training room

Hi guys!
Sorry for the late update, but yesterday I had to go to sofym03's house for her birthday party (love you!). But, better late than never! Hope you enjoy the chapter, and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow me! (seriously, I need followers)

You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain


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