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Ehiiiii guys! Yeah I'm not dead! Anyway, I got tagged by _darkMAGIC and now I have to answer these questions (what a draaaaaaaaaaaaaag, jk):

Ehiiiii guys! Yeah I'm not dead! Anyway, I got tagged by _darkMAGIC and now I have to answer these questions (what a draaaaaaaaaaaaaag, jk):

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Let's all thank _darkMAGIC who was kind enough to write the questions in the comments since the pic with them was very blurry. Did you thank her? Good. Now, on with questions:
1) I'm actually starting to doubt it. I mean, both genders don't attract me. Maybe I'm too young (but I don't think so, I'm 14 for God's sake). Soooooo I'm gonna write asexual (for now)
2) Female
3) Yesssssssss bitchesssss
4) House of memories by Panic! At the disco
5) Light brown with the ends dyed red (for now)
6) Aquarius
7) I Never kissed anyone soooo...
8) I don't know I like all the colors, but I guess bluish-purple. Or maybe purplish-blue.
9) I don't know. I LOVE food. But right now I wanna eat sushi
10) 38%
11) Too many too count...
12) I don't know. I guess salad
13) Well they tend to change colors. Sometimes they're brown, sometimes they're green, sometimes they're both. If your eyes also change colors and you don't know how to explain it to people who are asking you, write it in the comments. I feel you
14) I don't know how you measure shoe sizes in other countries, but using the italian measurements, my shoe size is 38
15) I change dreams quite often, so I don't really know. Maybe a writer, or an actress, or a dancer, or a singer, or a doctor, or a- *random person throws table at her and she faints* "We don't care just end the chapter already!"
*author gets revived and mumbles* "big meanie..."
If you also don't know what to do with your life write it in the comments!
If you do know what to do with your life write in the comments what you'd like to become and give me some tips on how to decide what I want to do in the future!
And now for the tags....
_darkMAGIC (I don't know who to tag so I'm re-tagging you)

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand I don't know who to tag anymore. Deal with it. Anyway, Alias290 out!
P.S.: a new chapter is going to come out soon!

You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain


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