We Thought There Were Gonna Be Revelations, But Alas

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"Here, it'll warm you up."
"Thank you."
The young mage stared at the swirling liquid in the cup she was holding in her newly bandaged hands as she took a deep breath, letting the smell sooth her.
"It's your favorite. Herbal tea with nettle and blackberry."
Zatanna let the silence stretch a little between them, before she felt she couldn't bear it anymore.
"You should really take them off you know."
She felt guilt tearing through her as her protégé's hands stilled and gripped the cup harder, the slightest panic showing through her eyes, before the emotionless mask was back in place, but there were things she needed to do and say.
"If this is what I think it is, then it's not use keeping them on. They'll only slow down the healing process. Besides," she looked at her for the first time "you'll need all of your power."
A deep breath, two hands held forward, and suddenly the cuffs were on the floor, their clang absorbed by the soft carpet under their feet.
A glow engulfed the younger's hands and her stomach, and if the sigh that escaped her lips was any indication, the magic was working already.
She could feel her power move in her veins, alongside her blood, permeating every cell in her body, from the tip of her hair to the toes of her feet.
In seconds her perception of  what surrounded her changed, everything responding to the energy pulsating out of her body.
And about feeling...

"It's not nice to eavesdrop you know?"
Zatanna jumped at that, but now that the girl beside her mentioned it, she also could perceive a third aura near them. It was a very feeble thing though, and trying to get a hold on it was like trying to focus on a grain of weath in a field of flowers.
It had never happened before.
A few beats passed, before the door that lead to the sleeping quarters opened and a very grumpy and very serious Damian Wayne entered.

"So, what brings you here in the living room in the dark of the night? I doubt you simply happened to stumble on that door and very casually overhear every single word of our conversation."
"How did you know I was there?"
"Answer me."
"I just did. Can't wrap your head around the concept?"
"What were you two talking about?"
"Seems like you did a terrible job at listening in. Do you always ask so many question? Curiosity killed the cat."
"And satisfaction brought it back."
"Didn't take you for the type to believe in reincarnation."
"It's an idiom."
"Woah you really were up those mountains for too long."

The current Robin frowned, the dip between his eyebrows deepening, as he stared down the cloaked girl.
Zee thought that was the right moment to stop things from escalating, and decided to step in.
"Alright you two, as much as I love seeing you bond, I guess, the tension here is killing me, and you can't go around starting fights in the middle of the night. We're heroes, and disrupting the peace of the citizens isn't good behaviour. Damian, say sorry for eavesdropping. Raven, say sorry to Damian for riling him up."
No words were uttered, although the tension seemed to lessen just an itty-bitty bit.
"And that's as good as it's gonna get, so I'll accept that. Now, tomorrow is a big day, and you'll need to be well rested, so off you go to-"


"Do you guys think she'll be alright?"
"Of course Konnie. Bet she just had a scratch."
"I don't know Roy. It didn't seem like a scratch..."
"Don't worry Kon'El, Zatanna is with her. Even if she suffered from deep injuries, she would have no problem fixing her up."
"Besides, she's a tough one. I mean, she was chosen to be our leader, so she obviously can hold her own."
"Yeah I mean she kicked Dick's ass. That's gotta mean something."
"Yeah you guys are right."
"Hey is it just me or is there something different?"
"You mean how there is no costant muttering or you don't feel as if you're being watched by a hawk ready to catch his prey in his talons to bring it to his lair and claw out its intestines to then feast upon them?"
"That, was a very specific and gorey image Roy what the-"
"Also, I don't think it would be appropriate to refer to a hawk's nest as a lair-"
"Guys, focus. What Roy is saying is that we're missing a grumpy Wayne."
"But where could he be, I mean we were all heading back-"
The way they all chorused would have been almost creepy.
"I mean, it could be, but he could also be with Richard right? Maybe they're just doing some bonding...?"
"Kon, not even you can believe that."
"We shouldn't always assume the worst..."
"Konnie, I love you. I really do. But you are the human version of a golden retriever. The world is a very bad place, and our bird companion isn't the puffball you think he is. He is an obsessive, controlling, nosy know-it-all, but most of all he is a bitch-"
"ROY! Don't be mean! He's our friend."
"I'm not being mean. I love him, but I'm stating facts, and the fact is, he's a bitch. HOWEVER, since we are good people, we'll give him the benefit of the doubt, and we'll go check in with Dick to see if he's with him. Waterboy, lead the way."
"My name is Kal, and I would appreciate it if you used my actual name-"
"Sure thing Waterboy."
"You should just give up. Once he decides on a nickname you're doomed. I did after three years of trying to stop him from calling him Speedy Gonzales."
"Come on men, less talking more walking. I can't wait to see Dick's face. He's gonna be so pissed."

And so our heroes journeyed forward, to cover the 90 centimeters that divided their door from the former Robin's, and knocked to inquire the whereabouts of their missing comrade.

"Greetings Richard. We're sorry to disturb you again this late at night, but we were wondering if perhaps our teammate happened to be with you. Your brother did not come back with us to our room."

A moment of silence followed Aqualad's words, before Nightwing inhaled and

I know I'm a very bad person, I'm so sorry for making you wait for so long, but school almost killed me and then we had some problems with the internet connection, so I couldn't get to Wattpad, pls don't hate me-
But it is all in the past now, as there is a new chapter, and as with the end of school my free time greatly increased.
I'll try to set a schedule to update more regularly, but I'm not making promises.
Also, I'd like to thank you for all the reads and votes and comments this story has gotten and all the people that added this story to their library or reading list while I slowly let it die. Your support means a lot to me and is the greatest motivator to keep it going.
As always, comments and votes are very appreciated, and if you find any grammar (or any other kind of really) errors don't be shy and let me know, I live for constructive criticism.
Let me know what you thought about this, stay safe, wear masks and support the BLM movement. Also happy pride month (I'm a little late but oh well) and happy juneteeth.
Alias out!

You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


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