Badass girls

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When I write like this it means that one of the characters is thinking. Enjoy!
They were in the training room. Or to better say, she was in the training room. The others along with Zatanna were in an adjacent chamber with a one side see through glass to observe Raven's training. She would only see a mirror.
"You ready Rae?" said Zatanna through the microphone
Raven put on some bracelets then nodded towards the mirror/glass.
While Zatanna started the machine, Damian asked: "Why is she wearing those bracelets?"
"They're meant to weaken her and block her powers"
"Wait, she's got powers? But then why isn't she using them?"
Zatanna frowned as a painful memory was brought back.
"She prefers not to rely too much on her powers. Now let's see what my little bird can do" she answered briefly.
Then the lights in the training room became red and blinded them for a moment. When they were able to open their eyes and see again, the latters widened. In the training room there were at least five hundred men. But that wasn't the reason they were stunned.
Raven had removed the cloack from around her body exposing her curves. And the boys could do nothing but stare. I mean they're teenagers. What do you expect them to do? They were brought back to reality when Raven started to fight the men.
In less than one minute, she was the only standing in the training room. She had defeated five hundred armed men without breaking a sweat.
The young boys were incredulous. But Damian recovered immediately: "Tsk. Anyone of us could've done that"
And it was true. They just didn't expect her, a girl, to be that strong.
Suddenly the lights reddened again, but they weren't blinding like before. Then a robotic voice said: "Modality blind eye on".
Raven became surronded by red light and when it dissapeared she was blindfolded and had a bow in her hands.
Everyone looked at a smirking Speedy.
"I've been trained by the Green Arrow. She can't possibly be better than me."
Zatanna and Dick just smirked again.
"When Raven and I were in the Teen Titans, she was the best of us. She was better than Starfire, Beast Boy, Jaime and me. So if I was you I wouldn't have that much confidence"
Speedy simply ignored him and continued smirking.
At least one hundred armed men appeared around a blindfolded Raven. As they charged at her, she simply dodged them one by one, hurling her arrows at them like she was seeing clearly. She also did some backflips to dodge while hurling some arrows. Each time hitting perfectly the target.
While all of this happened, Speedy was trying not to show his incredulity. He had to work for years with the Green Arrow to reach that level, and here there was a girl more than capable to do so without any special training.
"She really is something" and thinking that he slightly smiled. "It was wrong for us to prejudice her. She is surely more than capable to hold her own against any of us. She'll be great help in the team"
When Raven completed the exercise, she didn't look happy at all.
"Raven dear, what's wrong?" Zatanna looked genuinely concerned. Raven did a great performance. So why wasn't she satisfied?
"Ten seconds"
"I was ten seconds slower. If this was real, people could've died, or the villain could've escaped"
And again all the guys turned their heads. But this time, to look at Damian.
In that moment Raven sounded a lot like the latter Robin.
"At least someone who takes the job of being a superhero seriously. She'll add some more maturity to the team. She also doesn't look that weak. She might be even stronger than some people on our team. But I'm way better than that witch girl. Anyway, she'll be a good help for the team."
Satisfied with his train of thought, Damian resumed observing around, finally noticing the stares the others were giving him.
They just shook their heads and removed their eyes from him.
"Rae-rae, you did perfectly. Relax"
The mage just rolled her eyes.
"Shut up Grayson. I told you I was ten seconds slower, and since I'm not perfect when I'm at my better, it's pretty obvious that I can't do a perfect exercise when I'm slower."
She said the last part glaring at him.
"Alright alright. But I know the perfect way to get you happy!"
Raven's only reaction was to arch a brow.
In the meanwhile Nightwing got in the training room.
"What do you think about a good match beetween us? Just like the old times"
At this she smirked.
"Anxious to get your ass kicked?"
Dick just grinned cockily.
"Tsk. You're on Lightwing"

That's the new chapter!
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Anyway, did you understood the jock in the last sentence? Yeah it was a jock. Not a typing error. Well instead of Night-wing, Light-wing. As if, a bird who's light. Like, the opposite of heavy. No? I know, pretty lame.

You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


A beautiful messOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant