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"You ready to get your ass kicked?"
Raven just smirked at this.
"You'd wish"
Then they came at each other.
It started as a sparring match, just to warm up, but it quickly escalated.
They were equally matched: Nightwing was a skilled fighter, he had been trained by the Batman, and was also bigger than her, but Raven was very stubborn, she more likely would die rather than to admit that she was wrong, and she also trained very hard, so obviously she wasn't going down easily.
"You got better"
"Why thanks bird-boy. You on the other hand have the same open spots of three years ago"
He was cut off when Raven landed a punch on his jaw, then she kicked his legs from under him and jumped on top of him.
While all of this happened, all the young boys on the other side of the glass were genuinely surprised by Raven's skill.
Dick was a very good fighter, even Superboy had some problems in taking him down, while she was handling her own pretty well.
Well, almost all of the boys.
"How is she so good? Was she trained by someone? Why do she and Dick act like they worked together before? He said they were good friends, how did they meet? And why you said she doesn't like relying on her powers much? Did something happen? And what kind of powers does she have? Can she control them properly? Is she a danger? Who are her parents?
From which one of them did she get the powers? Why did I never notice her file in the ones of the Bat-Cave? Who is Raven?"
Zee's only answer was: "If you wish to know all these things about her, why don't you ask her personally?"
Damian just frowned and resumed looking at the match.
"Zatanna? I wanted to know something... "
"Tell me Kon-El"
"Well, Raven is going to be a part of our team, but what is her role in the group? I mean, she's really skilled, and she could handle her own against us with no problem, so... is she going to become the new leader?"
The boys were shocked, no one had thought about the possibility of Raven becoming the leader.
One of them particularly, was really pissed off.
"No way. I'm the leader. We know nothing about her. There's no way she's becoming the leader"
Zatanna glared at him.
"Well, Damian, actually she is. So I would suggest you to be a little more respective of her."
And with that the conversation ended, and Damian started to glare at the girl that was kicking his brother's ass.
Well, the girl that kicked his brother's ass the moment he looked at them.

(Look at the second part of the video, from 01:52 to 02:02 and imagine Scarlett Johansson/Black Widow as Raven and the other one as Dick. I wanted to describe this, but I didn't know how to, so deal with me)
"WOW!!! That was SO cool!" said Kon like a five years old at his first time in the zoo.
"Well, that was a pretty impressive move" agreed Aqualad.
Damian (being the narcissistic bitch he is at the start of this story) simply tsked: "I could do it too"
Everyone just rolled their eyes: "Yeah right"
"Great job Rae-rae"
"I could've done better, but thank you anyway bird-boy"
They stood there smiling at each other shaking hands for a while but they eventually broke eye contact so Raven could put back on her cloack.
"Nice match Raven"
"Thanks Zee"
"You were good too Nightwing"
Dick just made a peace sign with his hand grinning.
"Well, I guess you all are tired, Raven still needs to prepare her things and it's late, so why don't you stay here for the night? You can stay in the guest rooms"
"Thank you Zatanna"
"It's my pleasure Dick. Now, come with me and I'll show you your rooms"
"Zee, could I go? I need to meditate"
"Sure Raven. Go on. Boys, follow me."
They followed Zatanna into a big corridor, and they stopped in front of two doors.
"Here we are. The boys can stay in this room. Nightwing you'll stay in the room across from here. If you need anything, I'll be the room at the end of this hallway. Goodnight"
With that, she went to her room, leaving the boys standing in front of the rooms.

Hi guys!
Sorry for the late update and the short chapter, but lately I've been very busy.
I also wanted go thank you 'cause this story reached over 500 reads. I'm so happy!
Anyway, bad news.
I'm going to slow up the updates, 'cause I really don't have much free time anymore, and I don't want to make chapters quickly to publish something I'm not proud of.
So if I don't update in a while, don't think I stopped writing this story. If I do, I'll be sure to tell you in an AN.
Anyway, remember to comment, vote and start follow me 'cause I really need followers, I really need your opinions and advices and this story almost reached 50 votes, and when it does, I'll tell you something about me. I'll make an AN asking you what you would like to know and you will be able to tell me in the comments.
So that's it fellows, Alias out!

You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


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