King Dice x Devil! Shy! Reader

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Being the Devil's sister is pretty cool for you. You and Sweet Lady were practically sisters while you enjoyed your time at King Dice's casino. King Dice is your older brother's right hand man and your crush. Today you were watching King Dice gamble when some guy sat next to you.

Immediately you could tell this guy had too much to drink. "Where are you from, love?" The man asked as you crossed your legs. "H-Hell." You replied as your tail curled in nervousness. "But an angel like you should be from Heaven." The man purred as you grew more nervous.

You didn't see King Dice looking over as you were kindly asking the man to leave. King Dice paused his gamble game and quickly walked over. Just when the man was about to tug at your shirt skirt, King Dice roughly grabbed the man's arms.

You yelped as King Dice quickly threw the man away from you and put a protective arm around you. "Paws off my girlfriend." King Dice growled as he showed a card. The man quickly left before King Dice looked at you. He perked to your pointed ears being down and your fur fluffed up.

"Are... you ok?" King Dice asked before you nodded. "D-Did you mean what you said?" You asked as you were rapidly starting to blush. "Well... I-I'd like for you to be. I... just don't know how your brother would feel about it..." King Dice said before you got up and hugged him.

"I-I don't think he'll mind." You said before King Dice hugged you back and petted your pointed ear. "If you say so, m'lady." King Dice said before kissing the top of your head. Sweet Lady and Zoey highfived as Devil gave Emily a twenty-five dollar bill.

"I still can't believe you gambled on this Emily."

"Zoey, it's a casino, how could I not?"

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