King Dice x Anxiety! Reader

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Two months ago, your brother gambled to much and sold your soul. Devil gave you to KingDice since he really had no use for you. KingDice made you a waitress, which in your opinion, was a bad idea. Not only did you not like the uniform, it didn't help your anxiety.

King Dice was walking around when he noticed you weren't anywhere. He rose a eyebrow before checking with his other employees before finding you in the back hallway. Most of your uniform was off, except your dress shirt and pants.

Anybody could've noticed that you've been crying for hours. King Dice walked over as you leaned your head into the wall. "(Y/N)?" You jolted before turning to see King Dice. "S-Sir KingDice! I-I didn't m-mean to take t-this long!" You stammered before King Dice sat next to you. You were shaking before King Dice made you leaned into his shoulder.

You relaxed slightly before King Dice ran his fingers through your hair. You smiled and purred as King Dice smiled a little. "If you had an issue, you could've just told me." King Dice said as you perked.

"O-Oh..." You mumbled before King Dice kissed the side of your head. You blushed deeply before King Dice lifted you onto his lap and hugged you. You smiled before nuzzling into King Dice's chest.

Emily: No real ideas. Just- *turns around* mom? You ok?

Scarlet: *blushing at picture* N-No! I-I-I'm not! I-I-I think I-I became a fangirl!

Emily: Mom... why?

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