Cagney x Bullied! Artist! Reader

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A/N: pls tell me I spelled his name right T-T

You sighed as you sat in a flower field. You had been sketching flowers for over a hour. Your dad was a florist while your mom was a math teacher. You were bullied since your mom worked for the school.

You (tried to) brushed everything off as jealousy while the back of your head reminded you of the things they say. You sat up before feeling something on your shoulder. "Whatcha drawing?" A voice asked. "Just one of your buddies Cagney." You replied.

Cagney nodded as you stretched with a long yawn. "Oh jeez. I'm done for today." You said before you and Cagney saw some kids who bully you coming over. "Well look who it is. Its the flower nerd and their pet." The leader said. "Cagney is NOT my pet. He's my friend." You clearly stated.

"Yeah. Yeah. Whatever. Anyway, we have a deal for you. You do our homework for one week and we'll leave you alone for a week. Deal?" The leader offered. Cagney growled as you looked like you were thinking. "Why should (he/she)? It's not (his/her) fault that you can't listen." Cagney snarled.

"Hey. (Y/N). Tell your pe-!" "CALL ME A PET AGAIN AND I'LL RIP YOU TO PIECES!" The kids were frozen as Cagney had thorns all over him. "Go away and never harm (y/n) again." Cagney stated before the kids left.

Cagney calmed down before hugging you. You smiled as Cagney nuzzled your cheek. "Love you~" Cagney said as you blushed lightly. "Love you too." You said before showing Cagney your sketches.

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