Devil x Injured! Wolf! Reader

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You hissed as King Dice applied ointment to your wound. "It *bark*ing hurts." You growled as King Dice sighed. "At least you defeated the two cup heads." King Dice replied. Devil walked in as King Dice applied the bandages. "Yeeaah. I guess." You said as Devil watched.

"I'm sure Devil would be very proud of you~" King Dice purred. "You shut the *bark* up." You snarled with a huge blush. "Oh trust me (y/n). I don't plan on telling our boss about your little crush on him." King Dice said as Devil blushed. Devil took a quick breath before making it look like he was just walking in.

"How's (y/n) doing?" Devil asked. "She's alright. Sassy as ever." King Dice answered. "Bark ya piece of *bark*." You snapped. "I'll take over from here Dice." Devil said. King Dice nodded before leaving to check on the others.

"Are you alright?" Devil asked. "I'll be honest. The blows on my arm hurts like *bark*." You said, showing the bandages on your entire arm. "Let me see." Devil said before taking your hand. Your ears stuck up with a blush as Devil kissed your paw.

Devil then placed one of his hands on your cheek before you purred ans nuzzled his hand slightly. "King Dice may be my right hand man, but you're my favorite." Devil said before you smiled. Devil lightly kissed you as your tail wagged. You soon kissed back before Emily walked in.

"Hey Devil, is this a bad time to say that Zoey is-?"

"Get out."


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