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 It was midnight and its already time for bedtime. A five year old princess is beside her one year old adorable baby sister in the bed, clinging into her mother, the queen, for bedtime story.

"Mother! Can you pretty please tell us a bedtime story!!!"

"Bedtime story?"

"Look Elizabeth wants a story too! Look! Look! I saw her laughed sweetly! Hahaha!"

The queen smiled too and touch both of her lovely daughters in the head.

"If that's what my lovely babies desires? Then of course I shall!"

Both of the princesses giggle sweetly. Then the queen kisses her daughters' forehead. The queen opened a book and start reading.

"Long time ago, so long ago no one can even remember, a mighty wizard was born in the world of faerie. But the young wizard was stubborn. He was a reckless wizard, so arrogant not even a wise wizard would want him to become an apprentice. The faerie guardian was worried about this because the young wizard was just wasting his talents.

And in the mortal world, there a very pure heart exist named Rose. She was lovely and kindhearted. Her father died due to falls acquisitions while her mother is in bed for almost a year and cannot walk. Despite the cruel world she is in to she was optimistic. Every morning she prayed and wished at the center of the woods in a beautiful tree. Hoping the stories are true that if you'll pray upon a tree a fairy could hear you and will grant you a wish. And her only prayer was to make her mother be healthy and she could walk again."

"I wish someone could hear her! Such a poor girl."

Princess Ellaina looks down with pity.

The queen smiled and pat her head and said.

"Don't worry someone will come for her, my love. Then shall we proceed?"

Then the young princess nod and smiled as her reply.

"Then in the faerie world the young wizard is in the faerie guardian's fortress hiding himself, he mischievously smiled and took an orb. This orb is special if you'll open it, this will turn into a portal that will bring you somewhere at the mortal world. And of course he opened it without thinking the consequences he might end up. Then a strong wind blown his long golden hair and he entered the portal. And as he enters it, he slowly heard a sweet voice praying to be heard. A blink of an eye, his long robe touches a warm grass . He opens his eyes, there he saw Rose in front of him closing her eyes, diligently praying. He touched her cheek and Rose opens her eyes. Their eyes met and for a moment he felt something he never felt before. For a long time they became friends and the young wizard was moved by her story and for that reason the young wizard change he became wiser. He practiced and taught himself how to use his powers properly in order to help the girl. He was successful, her mother became healthy and finally she can walk. It was the happiest days but darkness is everywhere, wanting to interfere. Her neighbors knew about the miracle which has happened to her mother. Now they wanted it for themselves. Selfishness overcomes them, they attacked her house without mercy and her mother wasn't at the house she was busy buying for her daughter's special day. Rose quickly run out of the house going towards the woods. She kept her mouth shut even if this will risk her own life and she knew that they'll just abuse her friend's power. The young wizard saw her bleeding and unconscious. Due to this unacceptable sight, his uncontrollable outrage released. He removed them from his sight with just a single snap of light..."






The picture above represents Elizabeth and her older sister reminiscing the memory of their mother. 

(The pictures are not mine credits to the owner)

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