Chapter 6

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Tomorrow the day of my birth, I looked on my regal white gown finely embroidered by hand. It reminds me of autumn, it is huge and beautiful. Looking at that gown made me think, will I look good at it? It's way more beautiful for me...

I look at my trousers, remembering my plan. It might be risky but I have to do it.

The day of the ball, I wore my regal gown. I look splendid they said, even father and my sister was amazed. Sister is here of course she doesn't want to loss of seeing me wearing the gown she chosen just for me.

She gave a round rose quartz pendant, I loved it so much. I wore it and hug her.

"The dress is my gift and the pendant is from mother."

She whispered with a smile. I look at her and smiled as well.

While father, he gave a book, he hug me and he cried. He looked happy at the same time sad?Maybe because knowing that his little princess have grown? Then he kissed me on the forehead.

I gave him my sweetest smile, thinking that I'll gonna be against his will soon... forgive me father.

Now I'm ready.

Father, sister, Lord Gabriel was beside her and the others was already inside the ballroom. I'm all alone here behind the door wearing my mask. Wearing the mask was part of the ceremony the princes are wearing a mask as well. I am nervous, my hands are shaking.

"... now! I welcomed you my lovely daughter, Princess Elizabeth Carter!"

I startled when I suddenly heard my name and the huge door has opened.

Everyone was splendid, they watched me as I entered the ballroom the music of the orchestra was splendid as well.

Everyone clapped and I saw all the prince are aligned. They're hundred?! So I'll be dancing them all night long?! I have practiced this dance for five days and its hurting my ankle. But I have no choice but to do it. The music change and it's the indication that the dance will start.

The music was fast I never thought that I've danced half of the prince already. I was already dizzy a little bit but I can still dance.

Now I'll be dancing the second to the last prince his wearing a black suite and he looks... familiar... Seth?

He bowed, while his hand was in his chest he look me straight and smiled.

My heart beats so fast, why am I feeling this way? I liked Seth? No no no no! This is a big disapproval of my childhood.

We danced and he kept on smiling. He might be wearing his mask but I can tell that he is staring at me. I can't even look at him right now.

Thankfully that dance with him was over and I can finally breath.

And for my last dance a prince who's wearing a white suite, his blonde hair was tied and his eyes under his mask was... mesmerizing. I can't take off my eyes on him, I saw the deep blue sea and the trees dancing. It was calming, I couldn't hear and see anything that surround us. All I could see is him.

He is somehow familiar but I couldn't remember...

His soft long hands hold mine... so tight. But I never reacted, I wanted to spend with him more but I don't know why... I am so confused then suddenly I heard a voice.

"Thousands of men will admire you,

but they'll never see the way I look at you.

All they see is how beautiful your eyes are,

how lovely your lips are

and how perfect those features are.

And as for me

all I see is the beauty inside,

that completes my whole eternity.

No one could ever see

but me."

He smiled sweetly and the music has already stopped. He remove his hand from holding mine. There is so much I wanna ask...

Why do I feel that way?

Have we met before?

Why am I hearing those lines from the letter?

Who are you?

I was startled when my sister came to me. I looked around to find him but my eyes couldn't see him.

"So how's the dance my sister? I'm sure it was a pleasure for all the princes just to dance my lovely sister!"

I smirked cause I know she's teasing me.

Everyone had enjoyed the night. It was stunning, I have enjoyed it as well and I draw my attention away from thinking too much about that mysterious prince. He might be just have an amazing charisma and I could just forget about it.

The night has ended and tomorrow is the start of the battle.

The day has come and all of the princes are already aligned. I look at them, trying to find the mysterious prince but I couldn't find him.

Duke Primier was having a speech and he also explained the rules of the battle.

While Duke Primier was talking I excused myself from father saying I am not interested to this things.

And now I'm starting my plan...

I rolled my hair up and tied it. I tied my breast to hide my feminine body, good thing I am skinny and I can easily cover my body with a man's robe. I wore a prince course tunic, dark green and a brown belt. And lastly the armor. Good thing I could barrow this kinds of things to a friend, Zaldum.

Duke (Zaldum's horse) also wore a horse armor. I immediately get my bow, arrows that are colored by violet and I immediately ride on him.

The first rule of this round was to find all of the twenty targets in a day but it won't be easy because the round will be in the forest and all of the targets are well hidden.

All of the prince positioned themselves and me as well. All of us are aligned wearing our armors, preparing each of our bow and arrows with different colors representing us.

Then it got silent, a well-poised man stand at the center bringing a white flag. He raised it. Then we raced. I can hear the "Hiya!" of the princes and the sound of the horses' steps. Four princes are in front of me and I can see we are getting close to the forest.

Now I am the second and the first is... he looks back and it was Seth.

I knew it, it was Seth he was good in horseback riding. We are entering the forest, now let's see if his good in archery.

Archery is my very first training since I was a kid. In archery I defeated Zaldum many times, I am confident with this.

All of us are scattered around the forest, in order for us not to get lost we have to climb a tree to see the smoke of fire coming from the castle grounds. If we finished all the twenty shots we can finally fallow the smoke.

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