Chapter 2

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Pebeo?! Why?!

I am back at the castle, wearing my dress, now I look feminine. Walking at the hallway looking stressed, thinking about the arrange marriage. Hoping the gossip isn't true. I can't accept the fact that it might be true.

The Pebeo kingdom had been a good kingdom. Very powerful and rich. Our kingdoms are friends for ages. Their family had visited us when I was 15 and that moment I met the three princes. The first prince was Lord Gabriel. He is older than my sister. He has that very kind face, dark brown hair, dark blue eyes, pale skin, tall, wide shoulders and each time he smiles his dimples shows. He is so gentle and kind. The second prince was Lord Seth. He has the same age as me. He was quiet and looks smart. They almost have the same features as his older brother but he has that serious face, he doesn't smile and he's a little bit shorter (we have the same height). I thought he was kind and a gentleman as well, and he's just shy but he doesn't! He is a complete opposite of his brother. I greeted him and he just look at me as if he hasn't seen me!!! What is wrong with him?! I'm just being nice. And so I avoided him, I don't like him. The third prince was Lord Adam he was three years old. He is very charming and energetic. He had that green eyes, light brown hair, pinkish chicks and a sweet smile.

I really like kids they are very honest and full with dreams.

I waved at him and he immediately hugged me.

I like the brothers but I really don't like that Prince Seth.

Everything was fine until one day, as I play with my friends (all boys) at the round big trees beside was the wide grass field. Prince Seth came to us pointing his finger on me saying he is going to compete with me in climbing a tree. Everyone was laughing because they already predicted whose about to win and that's me, and also they doesn't know the fact that he is a prince. In this kind of things I wasn't nervous at all but that moment I was. Because I have a bad feeling about this. He is peculiar but he was really strange that time. I don't know what is he thinking, I don't know what is he trying to prove and it really scared me.

We climbed the tree and of course I won. Everyone was cheering on me and I just smiled. I looked at him, he was so mad. I told him that he should accept being defeated...because it's the only way to be improved.

Everyone was quiet. He look at me madly and I was so nervous.

Then suddenly he attacked me and we rolled and rolled on the grass. My friends stopped us and I shouted him what is wrong with him. He pointed his finger on me again and said to my friends that I was a princess and they should avoid making friends with me because I am having a royal blood. If they don't want to get troubled they should avoid me. My friends looked at me, they were so disappointed and slowly they've gone. I looked at him, I cried and told him is he happy now?

I run home and I wasn't thinking that I looked filthy that moment.

The Pebeo family and my father saw me looking so bad. My father shouted and that was the moment I was locked up on our castle.

Seth was the reason why father locked me up.

Seth was the reason I was humiliated.

Seth was the reason I lost my friends.

But thankfully Zaldum stayed.

But I still hated him so much, he doesn't even said an apology before they came back on their kingdom.

Sister saw me walking around the hallway looking so stressed.

"Elizabeth? What is wrong with you? Are you sick?"

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