First Friend I met and Fell for.

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Title: First Friend I met and Fell for.

Humiliation victim: Lionheart57

Embarrassment Rate: 10 10 10 10
I am absolutely, absolutely! In love with this ending! ❤️❤️
Enjoy people!


It was orientation week at my university and the uni was packed with new students just like me. I was late to my first tour, and there was this HUGE elevated staircase right in the middle of the uni that I had to climb.

Basically, I was in such a rush to get where I needed to be, that I tripped UP the stairs and grabbed the closest thing in front of me to catch my fall... which happened to be a really hot guy.

I ended up on my knees on the stairs, holding the ankles of a complete stranger, who turned around when I grabbed him and gave me the biggest 'WTF' look that I've ever seen in my life.

And because I fell on the main staircase, pretty much EVERYONE on every single level of the uni saw.

Silver lining, that hot guy is the first friend I made. :-)

But to be honest I hate all stairs! They ruin lives.... Especially escalators 😟 😏
Thanks so much xx

Guys was that the cutest ending or what??
Make sure next time you want to fall up stairs take your crush or hot guy up with you! Lesson learnt....

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