the wrong pencil

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This book has reached over 60K WTFFFF! I CANT EVEN THANK YOU ENOUGH FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT XX Lightened my January blues :) ✌️Normally I send you guys a message individually to say thank you for your support SO this message is to you again and to the people I missed xxxx
Okay here we go :) number 47!

Title: the wrong pencil

Humiliation/Awks Victim: Zara572

Embarrassment rate: hahaha 9 - this due to popular demand as gotten an upgrade! 10!!!!
I was at school and I was seated next to this boy. We were working quietly when suddenly my pencil dropped somewhere near my seat. Without taking my eyes off my paper, I began to search for the pencil with my hand. I moved my hand near my chair, still struggling to find the pencil. I thought it dropped somewhere near the boy's chair so I searched near his chair. Well, I wasn't paying attention and I... Let's say I accidentally grabbed his "buddy". Yup, I said it. After realising what I was touching, I quickly moved my hand, embarrassed. I looked at him and he seemed to not even notice.

How did the guy not even feel that? Was he playing it cool or did he honestly just pretend like nothing happened and... And.... like to be honest it must if been equivalent to a pencil hahaha
Peace and love

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