My Type Of Sign Language

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Title: My Type Of Sign Language

Humiliation/Awks Victim: bluechocolatechip

Embarrassment rate: 888888


Mine was when I went on holiday to France, - you lucky lucky person!!! 0.0

and my parents went out, so me and my sister decided to go to the shop and buy baguettes, croissants ect for breakfast. So I was ordering what stuff I wanted, when my sister nudged me and said,

"um we kinda forgot the money"

I then had to cancel everything I had ordered and as I was so young, I didn't know what 'no' was in French so I was just doing these big actions with my hand, trying to get these French people to understand what I was trying to say and it was sooooo embarrassing!!!!

Hahahaha funny as!!! That would of been so awkward and embarrassing at the same time 😂
Thanks so much for sharing ;)

Sorry for late update people!

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