#2 chessecake part 2

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Narrator POV

Keith: lance why are you giving me my favorite food ever?

lance: oh for not reason at all just had some in the fridge and thought you would want some.

Keith in his mind :he had a shit eating grin, I knew this was on purpose.

Keith: So what do you want?

lance: keith will you be my boyfriend?

Keith: what lance are you serious umm i don't know what to say I have to...

lance:FAKE BOYFRIEND duh, dude chill.

Keith: yea I knew that I was just joking chill.

lance: so how about this we won't tell the voltron group chat what we did at my place ok and forget it ever happened ok?

Keith: umm are you sure you want to make this deal lance?

lance: if you say yes to being my boyfriend for the 2 weeks than of course.

Keith: ok you have a deal but in this job we need to act we are in love with each other and stuff so you have to lead ok.

lance turned a dark shade of red thinking of very dirty thoughts of having to lead keith in a romantic way.

keith: are you ok you look really red is it something I said to you?

lance: no its nothing, you don't have to worry about me.

the two boys started to pack there things for the trip at lances dorm and when they both finished keith fell asleep on lance's bed. lance staring at the boy freaking out what to do with him but he ended up sleeping next to him.

when keith woke up he looked and saw he was in lances dorm.what the heck happend.

keith pov

wait did we, no we couldn't have or did we have sex. I quickly checked if I was nude but I was ok, thats a good thing. then keith thought of what happened oh yea they where packing and he fell asleep. keith looked over at the sleeping Cuban next to him. he had looked so peaceful like this when he's not mad. lance started to wake up so keith pretended to be asleep.

lance: hey are you awake keith we have to start leaving to Arizona where my family lives ok?

I pretended to wake up and told lance that five more minutes.
Lance: I am sorry Mr. Emo that needs more sleep but we need to leave early ok sorry.
Ok but can we stop by Starbucks to get something to drink?
Lance: like me guess you want a black coffee like your soul.
Narrator POV
When they arrived at Starbucks lance order a caramel frappe and Keith got black tea.
Lance: why didn't you get black coffee?
Keith:I don't actually like coffee it tastes like trash on a hot summer day.
Lance: How dare you insult coffee like that!
Keith: let's just get going, ok?
Lance: fine, but we will get back to this.
Keith and lance started driving to Arizona but Keith started to fall asleep making lance jolt. Keith woke up due to this asking if lance was ok. Lance just told him to go to sleep and when Lance starts to fall asleep he would wake him up.
Lance POV
I watch a Keith start's to fall asleep, he looks so peaceful. Wait that sounded really gay what the heck. Ok I'll just ignore that for now.


Hey guys that's it for this chapter I hope you liked it.

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