#6 Explain your self

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(Veronica in her head: well crap he probably found my posters ugh this sucks.)
Veronica yells back: what do you want.
Lance: You know what you here now
(Veronica in her head: frick this sucks)
Veronica makes her way to her room and finds a weirded out lance and a calm Keith.
Lance: can I ask you why you have a hand full of gay posters from anime.
Veronica: I like it and if you don't then deal with it.
Lance sighed: your 13 years old and you have posters of gay guys making out and stuff.
Keith: you like this stuff too?
Veronica: what do you mean?
Keith: I like gay anime also but it's a secret obsession.
Veronica: omg really can we watch some together.
Lance: Wait you like this stuff.
Keith shyly said yes making Lance blush at his cuteness.
Keith: hey they have some time good dating advice ok.
Lance: no no it's ok I shouldn't judge you. Lance put a kiss on Keith's head thinking that it really was ok but Keith on the other hand thought lance did it because his sister was there.
Veronica: klance is canon!!!
Lance and Keith freeze up, what's klance.
Lance: hey sis what's klance?
Veronica: the ship name I made for you and your boyfriend duh.
Keith was blushing with lance at there ship name, it was cute they thought.
Keith POV
That ship name is almost as cute as lance when he laughs, Wait what am I thinking he's just my friend that I'm helping ugh this is so confusing.

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