#5 Home sweet what the hell is happening?!

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Lance walks to the door of his house while holding hands with Keith because he was scared to walk into his own house.

Keith: you shouldn't be scared to go in to your own house.

Lance: I know that but I haven't been here for a year and I don't know what they will think of me with you.

before lance could open the door, It flung open showing a boy that looked like lance but smaller.

lance: Marco!? omg you scared me (author: sorry if you are triggered by the name marco from aot but in season 5 its his real brothers name)

Marco looked at Keith with sparkling eyes like he was his hero or something.

Marco: so I see you found your self a pretty hot boyfriend aww i'm jelly of you.

Lance: wait? when have you been so openly gay. are you?

Marco: since you came out it gave me the strength to come out even if dad hates my guts I can love who I love in peace.

Lance: omg your going to make me cry that was beatiful but when I did come out to dad he slapped me, hard, did he hurt you in any way?

Marco had a sad expression on his face like something was bothering him but he just put on a big fake smile and said that he didn't hurt him in any way.

Lance: oh yea I should introduce you and Keith.

Marco: first both of you come inside its freezing outside come come.

Keith and lance interlock hand when going inside the house but when doing so they were both blushing a light red. when they were inside a girl about 13 years old jumped to give Lance a big hug.

????: hermano ¿qué estás haciendo aquí? (brother what are you doing here).

Lance: hola veronica como estas? (hello veronica how are you)

Veronica: good, wait is that your boyfriend damn he's hot and my type.

Lance: but you can never have him because hes gay sorry sis.

Lance: Keith this is veronica shes 13 and veronica this is Keith, also my now openly gay little brother we met outside is Marco.

Keith: hey, umm nice to meet you (he said as he shook her hand)

Veronica: Lance you should be more like your boyfriend hes so nice.

Lance: Hey! I am nice you should see Keith when he's being rude he does it to me often.
Veronica: but you love him even if he's annoying right.
Lance tried to remember that they are "dating" so he had to say the obvious.
Lance:yea I love him even when he's an asshole.
Veronica was mentally fangirling because she was secretly a yaoi fan girl or a fujoshi.
Lance: oh yea I want to see my old room Keith want to come?
Keith: yea sure if you want.
Veronica is happy seeing her new ship but then she realized Lance's old room is Veronica's new room. Crap she thought, the posters with bl etc.
A girlish scream came from upstairs.

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