# 8 Truth or dare backfire

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Keith pov 

why the hell do we have to strip, the house is already cold enough from the snow outside why do we have to be in a freezing cold closet with this dumb ass for seven minutes.

Lance: okay now why do we have to strip we'll freeze to death.

Veronica: just hold on to your boyfriend then you won't be so cold plus that's why its called seven minutes in hell.

Marco: Or it could be seven minutes in heaven because you get to be in a closet half naked with your boyfriend and see each others abs.

lance :Marco your drooling gross dude your super gay.

Narrator POV 

Lance took off his shirt and tried not to stare at Keith's sculpted body but he couldn't help and take a peek at his best friend. Keith on the other hand caught Lance looking at him and start to die. Keith and Lance went in the closet for there dare. 

'Hey veronica did you start the timer' shouted lance. she yelled back a yes but what Keith and lance didn't know was there was a tiny camera inside the closet with them but it didn't have a microphone on it so she couldn't hear what they were talking about.

Lance POV

I watched Keith breath slowly as he was as cold as I was  . I could see his scars on his wrists but I didn't say a word. I knew he saw I was looking at him but didn't say a word.Out of thinking it I accidentally spoke up.

Hey Keith why do you think about hurting yourself, I froze when I said that cursing myself out on it.

Keith: Why do you want to kill your self when your in a embarrassing situation it kind of like that but everyday of my life of hating myself.

I don't know why I did it but I wrapped my arms around him telling him its fine to lean on me when your feeling sad.He looked up at me with his purple eye and told me thank you. We hugged each other for what seemed for ever but it was calming and not weird.

Keith: Hey I have been counting and the seven minutes passed like 10 minutes ago.I look shocked and started blushing but then got mad at Veronica.

Veronica what the hell get us out of here the Fucking door is locked! But then I heard a scary voice.

???: hijo no use mal lenguaje en mi casa!!(son don't use bad language in my house)

oh no fuck it's mama

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