#4 Meeting his parents (self harm warning)

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Narrator POV
Keith and lance woke up at 12:30 am but lance had a huge hangover.
Lance: ugh where am I, fuck Keith what are you doing in the same bed as me, did we fuck.
Keith: No lance we didn't have sex, get your mind out of the gutter.
Keith: they only had a room with one bed in it and you didn't seem to mind.
Lance: wait how did I not seem to mind?
Keith: all of last night you kept moaning my name so I barely got any sleep.
Lance blushed a fire truck red and looked at Keith.
Lance: what did I do at the bar I don't remember?
Keith: oh yea I took a video of it all want to see.
Keith had a devilish grin on his face.
Lance; umm sure? I don't know if I should but ok.
Keith showed everything that happened. To the part's with the pick up lines and even the mini make out season.
Keith blushed when showing him that but he did.
Lance: I did all of this! Umm can I ask you a question.
Keith: sure what is it?
Lance: Why didn't you pull away when I kissed you?
Keith froze for a sec before answering The burnet.
Keith: Umm well you see I..
Lance: Wait! did you like it.
Keith: Umm I don't know because you stole my first kiss.
Lance quickly goes in to kiss him again. Kissing him less sloppy than last time. Lance try's to enter Keith's mouth. Keith see's this and let's him in but the moment Keith let out a loud moan they stopped. Blushing both boys looked at each other.
Keith: Umm I didn't mean to Umm be so loud sorry I just let you lead like I said I would.
Lance: Umm sorry for suddenly kissing you and turning it in to a make out session.
Keith: We should start getting ready to go to your house.
Lance: oh yea forgot about that I was to busy staring at you.
Keith: stop trying to flirt with me and get ready.
Lance went to go get breakfast for the both of them when Keith was changing.
When lance got the food and opened there room door he saw a Keith just in his boxers trying to put a shirt on but barely enough he could see Keith's ripping abs. Lance was blushing a dark red trying not to stare but he couldn't help it.
Keith was also blushing trying to put on his skinny jeans. Keith tried wiggling into his jeans but he failed. Keith started to stare at Lance cueing him to help. Lance awkwardly helped him put on his tight skinny jeans trying not to stare at his ass.
Keith: ok so you have to drive this time because I don't know where your parents live.
Lance: I thought that's what we going to do. Lance grabbed his suitcase andKeith grabbed his. They started to walk to lances car and started to drive.
Lance put on Beyoncé and Taylor Swift music when he was driving.
Keith POV
Lance: Hey we should set some rules for when we get to my parents house ok.
Umm, what do you mean by that?
Lance: like kissing and stuff to make them believe that we are dating.
So what rules do you want to put down?
Lance: so how about fake kissing,fake hand holding, and cuddling. We do this when they are looking ok and when they aren't we can still be rivals.
Keith in his mind: That fair enough it's part of the jobs description but will it be awkward.
Narrator POV
When lance found the nearest gas station Keith switched spots with him.
Keith hated listening to t Swift and Beyoncé for like 5 hours so he put some   
Green Day, p!atd, mcr, etc. lance scrunched his nose when he heard what Keith was playing.
Lance: Hey can you change you old crappy emo music.
Keith: why I had to listen to your music for 5 hours!
Lance: panic! At the disco is okay and same with mcr but really Green Day.
Keith: this music helps me from killing myself every day so if you want me to die than you turn it off.
Lance: Wait you have depression?
Keith: yea why do you think I tried to kill myself because of those letters, I still have depression you know.
Lance froze thinking about how Keith always act when he wore long sleeves and realized it.
Lance: Hey can you stop the car for a sec I need to see something.
Keith: lance your scaring me you ok.
Lance: stop the car Now!
Keith stopped the car confused. Lance grabbed Keith's arms pulling up his sleeves.
Lance: I knew it, why tell me why you cut.
Keith started to cry waterfalls of tears.
Keith: I feel like I deserve it because I can't do anything right and people don't love me so why would it care if I one day just died on purpose.
Lance cried with Keith.
Lance: Your friends would be depressed you know that and I think I would die also just to be with you.
Keith: thank you so much for being there for me.
Lance switched seats with Keith so that he would drive the rest of the way there. They pulled up at a blue and White House that had painted that pealed. A white fence that has vines running up it plus weeds everywhere. A garage that's open with bike heaven inside. A red ford van in the front with some bumps and scratches on the sides.  

Keith in his head: So this is lance's house it looks comforting in some way. It has a peaceful feel to it like when rain falls at night when I fall asleep. I think this week  will be one hell of a week.

lance: Hey so we should go and meet my mom because you know how my dad is he probably went out drinking to forget about me being bi and bringing my ''boyfriend''. 

Keith: whats your mom like anyway you only told me that she supports you  and disagrees with your dad about your sexuality.

lance: she's kind and caring of others so I am proud to be her son and she is proud to be mom.

A small smile started to form around lance's mouth.

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