Fuck You and You

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When Hyuk and Myesha returned with the food, I didn't say any thing to them. I just took care of my baby girl, and stayed quiet.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Hyuk asked. I just shrugged and admired Nalin's features. "She might just be your's, Jay." I said with a smile. Hyuk scoffed and walked out of the room. "Bry, why aren't you talking to Dean?" Myesha asked. I rolled my eyes and looked at Jay. 'Why do you stay sucking dick?' I thought to myself.

"The doctor said she may have PPD, apparently it runs in your family." He lied. Myesha made an 'o' shape with her mouth and sat back. Jay and I continued to play with Nalin as Myesha's phone went off. "I'll be right back," she said as she got up and left the room.

"They make me sick, and I know damn well Zico niggaboo ass knew he was sleeping with her, yet he didn't tell me. He is my friend! It's even worst that she is my sister, and she knew how I felt about Hyuk." I ranted. Jay kissed my forehead and held my hand. "It's gonna be okay," he muttered.

"Have you called Chris yet?" I asked as he rubbed my shoulders. Jay hummed. "He is taking the next flight out," I nodded. "Can you call someone to move Hyuk's stuff out of my house, I really don't even wanna see his crap when I get home." I called. Jay hummed once more and pulled out his phone.

"Gray and Simon said they'll do it," he mumbled as the door opened. Dean and Myesha walked in quietly and sat together. 'Fuck that staying silent game, I'm about to chew them out.'

"You know what, tell them I said nevermind." I called as I tapped Jay's shoulder. He looked at me bofore nodding. I held Nalin close to my chest as I stood up from the bed and began to walk around. "Hey princess," I whispered to her with a smile. She opened her eyes and blinked curiously at me. "Mommy is about to show her ass, so I'm going to let daddy hold you. " I cooed softly before handing her off to Jay.

I turned to face Myesha and Dean."Now listen up you home-wreaking-lying-STD infected-adulters, we know y'all been fucking." I said, my southern accent breaking through. Their eyes widened and Hyuk tried to explain. "Baby-" "Did I say I was done, mofo?" I called out glaring at him. Dean quickly closed his mouth and sat back in his seat.

"As I was saying, since y'all wanna sneak around and shit, have fun. Kwon Hyuk, I actually loved you and was looking forward to marrying you. Thank God I didn't. Here is your ring, I suggest you leave now to pack your shit, because if I get to my house and see any of your personal belongs, I'm torching them in the fireplace." I said as I tossed him the engagement ring. "The door," I said as I point to it.

Hyuk stood up and dragged himself out of the room. I then turned my attention to Myesha. "Before I start with you, Jay do you have anything to say?" I looked at Jay and he seemed hurt. "You must be proud of yourself, you fucked over the fuckboy." He said with a fake smile. I knew he was broken, but I'll handle that later.

"See now, I knew you were a hoe, but I trusted you since you were my sister. Did you ever tell Jay why you were really with him?" I asked as I put one hand on my hip. Myesha looked down at her lap.

"No bitch, look at me when I'm talking to you. You were able to look me in the eye when you were fucking my man. Why were you even with him? His money? Did you want to trap him with a baby and then take his money? You crack me up." I laughed as I walked over to Jay.

"Well guess what, you had a man that loved and admired you, but you got so caught up in what I had you fucked up what you had. Now Jay and I are gonna raise whoever's baby this is and we are gonna be happy. I'm going to take care of him because, clearly your couldn't. Now get the fuck out of my room, and don't even think about calling or contacting me or my baby." I said causing Myesha to cry and run out of the room.

"Lay down," I mumbled to Jay. He handed me Nalin and complied. I sat her on his chest and crawled in next to them. "Damn ma, I didn't know they taught that at UCLA." He joked. I giggled and rubbed Nalin. "They don't, that's straight up Atlanta right there." Jay laughed and looked over at me.

"I'm not gonna fuck up like them," he promised. I smiled. "I know you won't, you've got a baby girl watching you, and you want her to know how a man is supposed to treat her." I mumbled. "Yep, and I love her mommy." He whispered before kissing my lips. Nalin began moving about, causing us to giggle. "Now let's just figure out who you belong to," Jay mumbled.

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