Movie Night

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It's been a month since Jay and I moved in together and it has been an... experience to say the least, but we were able to confirm that Nalin was in fact Jay's. As the weeks rolled on she started to look like him. Her eyes changed color based on weather and what she was wearing. One moment they were blue and the next green and light gray. Her hair curled up like mine but remained a dark blonde.

"Baby," Jay called from the living room. I sighed and pulled the breastfeeding blanket over me as Nalin continued to eat. I walked to the living room to find him sprawled out on the floor with blankets and pillows. I shook my head at the failed attempt of a fort.

"Come on, let's watch a movie." He called as he stood up. I peaked down the blanket to find Nalin asleep. "Sure, can you put her down for a nap while I make the snacks?" Jay nodded as he lifted the blanket and took Nana out of my hands. She stretched her tiny self out in daddy's arms and yawned. I smiled as I watched them climb the steps and hooked my bra back on.

I walked to the kitchen and began to heat up the popcorn maker and poured some drinks. As I moved about the kitchen I felt a pair of cold hands rub my exposed belly. "You are so pretty," Jay mumbled as he kissed my neck. I smiled and turned to face him. "Am I really," I asked and all he did was nod and hum in response.

He pulled me closer and buried his face in the crook of my neck. "I need your help at the company," he spoke into my neck, causing me to giggle. "That tickles," I say as the timer goes off on the popcorn maker. I poured the oil in the pan and then the cernels. "What do you need?" I asked as I closed the lid and handed him a beer.

Jay sighed an leaned back on the island. "I've heard your material," his words caused me to choke on my apple juice. "How? Wh-when?" I questioned frantically. Jay shrugged and sat his beer down. "I just did, you've got talent and you've got knowledge on what you're doing. That's why you are a music teacher," he said. I sighed and shook my head.

"Baby, that dream died when my grandma did. That's when I realized I needed a real job," I admitted. Jay scoffed and folded his arms. "So, singing and producing aren't real jobs?" He called in a hurt tone. I sighed step closer to him. "That's not what I'm babe,-" "Well then come sing for me. I need your voice, Bryce." He pled as he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. I closed my eyes and fell into his chest.

"Maybe, okay? Not right now while Nana is still so young." I said lowly. Jay smiled and rubbed my lower back. "Perfectly fine with me," he called as the popcorn finished popping. I poured two bowls and added hot sauce to mine. "How can you just sit and eat that?" He questioned as we walked back to they living room.

"Like this," I called as I popped a hand full of popcorn in my mouth. Jay rolled his eyes and helped me sit down. We searched for a movie before we settled on 'The Purge', and began talking more so than watching the movie.

"I went to the doctor yesterday," I began. "She said Nalin and I are both healthy and that I am in the all clear for taking baths instead of showers now." Jay hummed and rubbed my thigh. "So everything is closed up down there," he asked causing me to nod. "So you can have sex now, yes?" I nod again. Jay smiled and moved closer to me. "Thank the heavens! I'm horny as fuck right now," Jay mumbled as he took off his shirt.

I put my hand on his chest to stop him. "Jaebeom Park, I am not losing my virginity while my daughter is upstairs taking a nap!" I scolded causing him to pout. "But I'm horny," he whined as he placed my hand on his crotch. I rolled my eyes and pulled my hand away. "You've got two hands and Internet access. You better figure something out."

Jay pouted and began to touch my inner thigh. "Please, at least help me." He begged. I shook my head as I stuck my hand down his pants. "You are such a big baby," I mumbled as I gripped his hard member. "Love you too," he moaned out.

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