Social Media Beef

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I swayed my hips to the music as I placed Jay and I's plates on the breakfast bar. "You're so cute, looking like your daddy." I said to Nalin who is now ten months old. The infant gave me a gummy smile and continued to play with her strawberry. I made silly faces at her as Jay stroked into the room and tossed his phone on the counter.

"This fool has a lot of nerve to come out ten months after the fact and say some slick shit." Jay called angrily as I pick up his phone. Dean commented on the picture Jay had posted of me and Nalin baking cookies yesterday.

"Remeber when that was mine... the kitchen too," I read aloud before scoffing. Jay stood in front of the sink tapping his foot. I walked over to Jay and gave him a back hug, but Jay moved out of my grasp.

I sighed and pulled my phone from my back pocket. I went to Instagram and started a live video. Luckily I've gained popularity, so my message would get out to many fast. I waited as people started to join.

"Hey everyone," I greeted causing Jay to look at me curiously. I read through the comments, most of them were compliments on my appearance and my family. "You guys wanna see Pumpkin?" I ask in reference to our husky puppy. I scooped him off of the ground and held him in my arms.

"Ok so, I didn't think I needed to address this, but apparently grown men don't know how to act so I'm gonna have to put them in their place." I said as I put Pumpkin down. I cleared my throat and began. "Honestly I didn't want to spend my Saturday morning calling childish people out, when I could be chilling in my expensive house with my daughter, and her father, but what ever." I took a sip of coffee from my mug and smiled at the Jay as he picked Nalin up.

"When I say I'm done with you and the shit you pulled with me, I really am. Don't comment under my man's picture bringing up the past and shit, because last I checked we left that shit in room 736 in the maternity ward at Northside hospital, June 24, 2017. I'm not starting my year off with this shit, so if you're really rocking with all the shit you claim you are, you know my address. Oh and bring ya hoe too." I said before ending my live and turning to Jay who stood shocked.

"What are you so surprised about?" I asked as I grabbed my phone and resumed my music. Jay just stared as I pulled the croissants out of the oven. I sigh and clicked my tongue. "Also, I gave my two weeks notice at the school. Nalin is old enough now, I'm ready to start work at the company." I said as I removed my oven mitts and went to clean Nalin's highchair.

"Are you really gonna fight your sister over some shit that Dean said?" Jay asked as he sat Nalin in her little swing. I shook my head and threw away the dirty paper towels. "Nope, I plan on fighting Hyuk, but I do have something to say to her myself." I said as I stopped and looked at Jay. He smiled a little. "You'd beat his ass for me," he asked as he made his way over to me. I smile as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Sure would," I mumbled before kissing him. We pulled away and smiled until a unpleasing aroma filled our nostrils. "WHAT THE HELL NALIN?!" Jay exclaimed causing Nalin to laugh. I patted his chest and walked out of the kitchen. "Your turn!" I shouted as I through up a peace sign.

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