Day 2

23 2 3

12 - 2 - 17

The bell tolls throughout Seirin's hallways and (Name) quickly organizes her stationary supplies into her school bag. She shuffles out the door, amongst other students, and walks down the hall to meet her boyfriend. Kuroko exits his classroom, Kagami being scolded by the teacher, and his arm gets pulled to the side. He turns around to question the person but feels his heart skip a beat once he saw (Name)'s cute smile. "Hey (Name)-san," Kuroko greets, noticing (Name) wrapped her arm around his. "Hey, Kuroko-san, let's walk to basketball practice together," (Name) suggests, smiling. She averts her gaze away from Kuroko and quickly skims the area. "Hurry so we can leave Kagami-san."

Kuroko doesn't respond and they walk to the gym, talking about their traditions of Christmas.

-     -     -

Arriving at the gym, Kuroko walks off into the changing room. Walking in further, (Name) glances around the gym and spots some other basketball players. She smiles and approaches the third years, joining in their conversation after greeting one another. Frustrated, Kagami walks into the gym, muttering to himself. Hearing the loud chatter, Kagami glances to the cause and spots (Name). He walks toward her and glares at her back. "(Name)-san," Kagami calls out. (Name) pauses mid-sentence and turns around. "What are you doing here?"

(Name) frowns and glares at him. She crosses her arms and spats,"I'm allowed to be in here before practice."

"Well, who says you're wanted here," Kagami growls, and the other players shift awkwardly, not sure how to act. "America is free," (Name) states, and Kagami raises an eyebrow. "That's irrelevant, idiot," Kagami tells her. (Name) turns away from Kagami, closing her eyes. "Well, that's where you came from, and your opinion is irrelevant."

"Um, hey you two," Koganei starts. Both of participants glance at Koganei with a raised eyebrow. Without any spoken words, Kuroko had sneakily squeezed between the two and flicked their foreheads. Yelping in unison, (Name) and Kagami stare at Kuroko with a frown. "Stop fighting, you two," Kuroko orders, looking between the two. He turns around to look at the others and bows respectfully. "I apologize for their rude banter," Kuroko apologizes. Meanwhile, (Name) sticks her tongue out at Kagami childishly. Kuroko nudges the duo and they turn to the group. They bow and apologize in unison. They accept their apology as other members of the basketball club enter. (Name) grabs Kuroko's hand and pulls him aside.

(Name) bits the inside of her cheek and bows her head. "I'm sorry, Kuroko-san," (Name) apologizes, glancing up to watch Kuroko's blank expression. Kuroko raises his arm and pats (Name)'s head. "You're forgiven," Kuroko mumbles, pressing a short kiss to (Name)'s nose. (Name) giggles and grins at her boyfriend. She embraces Kuroko and whispers into his ear,"I'll head home now, okay? I'll be coming over once practice is over."

Kuroko nods and they pull away. (Name) turns toward the rest and waves dramatically. "Bye everyone, see you later!" (Name) grins, grabbing the strap of her bag. She begins to turn to the exit but catches Kagami's gaze. She frowns and hurries home.

-     -     -

(Name) inspects her outfit in the mirror as many thoughts run through her mind. A brown, itchy trench coat wraps around her body, adorned with black buttons, and black tights layered underneath her comfortable jeans. Grabbing her shoulder bag, she strides into the living room for her last clothing item; shoes. Sitting near the entrance steps, she grabs her boots and tucks her feet into the insole. Running her fingers through her hair as a makeshift hairbrush, she ties her hair into her preferred hairdo. "Mom?" (Name) calls out, and Mrs. (Last Name) walks into the living room from the kitchen. "Awe, my daughter is so cute~" Mrs. (Last Name) coos, caressing her daughter's arms.

25 Days of FicmasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora