Day 9

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(Name) slips into her cousin's unoccupied room, successfully retreating from the noisy, crowded foyer. She quietly closes the door behind her and shuffles over to the organized, monochrome bed. She removes her heels and climbs onto the bed, laying back with her phone in hand. The screen lights up and (Name) smiles at the set wallpaper. Distracted by the camera, Kuroko had pressed a surprise kiss on (Name)'s cheek. (Name) blushes fondly at the silly memory and unlocks her screen. She moves her index finger toward the phone app and dials Kuroko's number. Climbing under the gray blankets, (Name) presses the cold screen against her ear, listening to the familiar dial tone. The phone line clicks and (Name) grins, snuggling further into the blankets. "Hello?" Kuroko answers, closing his front door behind him. "Hey, Tetsuya," (Name) greets, giggling over the line.

Kuroko removes his shoes and walks into his living room. He places Tetsuya #2 down onto the ground floor and the dog prances around happily, panting mildly. Kuroko sits on the couch and Tetsuya #2 jumps onto his lap. "Hello, (Name)," Kuroko greets, pulling away momentarily to glance at the screen. His screen lights up with (Name)'s input name, remembering when his girlfriend punched in her own contact. "How's your night, my wonderful Tetsuya?" (Name) coos, grinning widely. Kuroko rubs the back of his neck in embarrassment. He sits on his couch and Tetsuya #2 jumps onto his lap. "It's better now..." Kuroko murmurs into the phone line, scratching Tetsuya #2's ears. (Name) bites her lip to prevent a wider grin from forming. "How come?" (Name) questions, composing herself. "I brought Tetsuya #2 to basketball practice," Kuroko states, teasing the girl. "Oh," (Name) answers, her tone showing raw disappointment. Kuroko chuckles and sends a small smile towards his pet. "I'm kidding (Name). You're the reason it got better," Kuroko states.

Tetsuya #2 barks happily at the change of expression, jumping off Kuroko's lap. "Did anything happen during practice?" (Name)'s joyful tone rang. "Ah, Kagami-kun got angry again," Kuroko responds, staring at the energetic Pomsky. "How come?" (Name) questions, timidly poking the ends of the pillow. "I think he's just frustrated from the incoming exams," Kuroko answers, watching Tetsuya #2 scamper into the kitchen. "Ah, well, I don't blame him. If he fails, he'll be kicked from the team." (Name) reasons. "How about you, Tetsuya? How are you feeling about the exams?"

"I haven't been able to study recently," Kuroko pauses, tilting his head questionably. "How about we study together, (Name)?"

"Yeah, that sounds good. I haven't been able to focus lately."

"Really? But you're always on top of things." Kuroko questions, moving to lay on the couch. "I don't know." (Name) simply answers. Kuroko sighs and places his hand on his forehead; Tetsuya #2 scampers back into the room. "How about Wednesday?" (Name) questions, causing Kuroko to raise a questioning tone. "Why Wednesday?"

"It's a closer date and I can steal you away from the basketball team." (Name) giggles. "(Name), I'm gonna get in trouble because of you." Kuroko scolds. "It'll be worth it though." (Name) points out. Kuroko keeps silent, embarrassed to concur with her statement. "I wish you were at practice today," Kuroko begins to retaliate. "Why?" (Name) questions. "I was hoping to see you cheer for me. Then my day would've been complete."

"T-Tetsuya!" (Name) calls out, face profusely red. Kuroko chuckles and Tetsuya #2 jumps onto the couch. Kuroko sits up and gently pets his dog's head. "You're so cute, (Name)." He comments, and (Name) whines into the phone. Mrs. (Last Name) knocks softly on the door and peers in, smiling at her daughter. "Hey sweetie, time to eat." Mrs. (Last Name) tells her daughter. "Okay, Mom. I'll be there soon." (Name) responds, moving away from the receiver. "Who is that?" Mrs. (Last Name) mouths. "It's Tetsuya, Mom." (Name) giggles, getting out of bed.

"Ah, really? Tell him I have to take his precious girlfriend away and he should visit soon." Mrs. (Last Name) giggles and walks away, leaving the door open. (Name) shakes her head and giggles, bringing the phone close to her. "Hey, Tetsuya. My mom says she's stealing me for food and she hopes you come visit." (Name) tells her silent boyfriend. Meanwhile, Kuroko had moved to the bedroom to rest on his soft mattress. "Okay, tell her I'm coming on Wednesday because my girlfriend is stealing me from practice." Kuroko chuckles, helping Tetsuya #2 onto his bed. "Are you out somewhere? You usually tell me (Last Name)-san yells at you to come down."

"You know too much, Tetsuya," (Name) sighs, smiling at his great memory. She slips into her heels. "Yes, I'm at a family party right now."

"Okay, have fun (Name). I love you." Kuroko tells her. "I love you, too." (Name) responds and ends the call. She places her phone in her pocket and smiles lovingly. She leaves the room with a huge smile while Kuroko smiles against his pillow, Tetsuya #2 licking his hand. 

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