Day 3

15 0 0

12 - 3 - 17


I look around the front yard of the school in search of my girlfriend. Checking the time, my phone blares the raising numbers and I sigh, taking note of the few minutes until the bell rings. I stood near the entrance, the chilly air breezing in, and there was no sight of her rushing figure. Full of hope, I skimmed through once more, but stillness reenacts on the scene. I turn around and head to class with a heavy heart. I sat near Kagami and he raised an eyebrow,"She isn't here?"

I shake my head. "I didn't see her."

"Well, maybe she'll be here later." Kagami tried to reassure me. I glance at him and he expressed his concern with furrowed eyebrows and downturned lips. "Thank you," I tell him and glance at my desk. I hear Kagami sigh and begin to search through his school bag.

-     -     -

Packing my supplies once the bell rings, I begin to walk to (Name)'s classroom. Peering in, I spot her engaging work at her desk, looking quite determined. I couldn't help but observe the adorable features I've grown to love. Tucked behind her ear, (hair color) strands cascaded down lusciously, keeping away from her vision, her tongue flicked out between her lips as she quickly writes onto her paper and the way her hand moved elegantly across the surface of the desk. Placing her pencil down, a smile stretches across her lips, and she stands up with paper in hand. She strides to the front and places the paper neatly on the teacher's desk.

They exchange a few words and (Name) walks off with a nod. For a few minutes, she packs her stationary items and drapes the strap over her shoulder. (Name) bends down to pick up something and once she straightens up, I set my gaze on the pastel blue bag in her hand. She begins to walk out and I grab her hand, pulling her back. 

(Name) gasps and turns around to stare at me in surprise. "Tetsuya-san?" She calls out. "Where were you this morning?" I question her, staring blankly. She stays silent and steps closer to me, surprising me just a tad. She raises her hands and places them firmly on either side of my cheeks. I watch her shut her eyes and sigh dreamily,"Wah~ So warm." I feel the cold temperature she harbored tingle onto the nerves of my cheeks. Bringing my hands up, I remove her hands from my cheeks and gaze at the bag. "What's in the bag, (Name)-san?"

She pulls away from my hands and rubs the back of her neck, blushing a light pink tint. "It's nothing, just a gift from my friend." She tells me, starting to walk ahead of me. She rubs her hands together, blowing air into the crevice between, and I start to follow behind her.

-     -     -

I wanted to leave the situation be, but my peaking curiosity won't let me stay satisfied. Though everytime I tried to look, she would be there as if she were expecting. The school came to a closure and I waited patiently for (Name) near the gates. She jogged over to me once she caught sight and presented me the bag. "You know me too well, Tetsuya-san. You haven't said anything about it, but I figured you knew." (Name) confesses. I take the bag from her hands and she immediately starts to rub them together. I open the bag and reach past the monochrome tissue paper, touching a soft texture at the bottom. I pull it out and gasp at the vibrant red gift. "You were cold yesterday," She pauses, blowing hot air onto her palms. "so I bought you something to somewhat keep you warm. I know it's not much, but--"

"I like it," I tell her, interrupting her rambles. Hands masked most of the bottom half of her face, but her eyes crinkled from the hidden smile she gave. "Really?" (Name) asks, ecstatic. "Yeah," I pause, inspecting the plain design. "Is this why you were late this morning?" (Name) nods, lowering her cold hands. "The stores were far and I wanted to give you it as soon as possible. Sorta like an early Christmas gift."

She steps towards me and grabs the scarf from my grasp and adjusts it into hers. She tosses the middle behind my neck, but pauses in movement, giving me a smirk. Before I could question her motives, she wraps the ends around her hands and pulls me forward into a kiss. The soft, warm lips I felt on mine was mesmerizing. She pulls away before I can properly respond, loosening the hold on the ends, and resumes to wrap the fabric around my neck. She giggles, content, and blushes embarrassingly. "Sorry if that was forward." She apologizes cutely, pressing a hand to her burning cheek. I step forward and grab her free hand, quickly shaking my head. "Don't be. I liked it." I told her nonchalantly. Her rosy cheeks grew darker and widespread and I watched in amusement. I intertwine our fingers together and pull her outside the gate. "Come on, I'll walk you home today."

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