Day 8

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12 - 8 - 17

Kagami and Kuroko walk toward their usual hangout in silence, Kagami glancing at Kuroko momentarily to keep in check. They enter Maji Burger and order accordingly to their taste. They sit opposite of each other at a single table and begin to eat their post-dinner. "Kagami-kun," Kuroko calls. Kagami looks up from his burger and spans his attention to Kuroko. "Do you know what (Name) likes?" Kuroko continues. Kagami places a clutched hand on his chin in ponder, and shrugs. He gulps down the chewed portion in his mouth and raises an eyebrow. "Food, maybe?" Kagami suggests. "Are you sure?" Kuroko inquires.

"No, it's just most of the females I know rave about food options," Kagami states, resuming to his desires. "Why are you asking me, anyway? Shouldn't you know, I mean, you've been dating for almost a year." Kagami spoke, muffled by food consumption. "I was asking for a second opinion." Kuroko states. Kuroko sips onto his drink and stares at the table. Kagami gulps down another chewed portion and speaks up,"If you're a bit stressed, I can ask Shu-san for you."

"You can?" Kuroko questions, raising an eyebrow. Kagami nods, taking a sip of his fountain drink. Kuroko stares at Kagami and sighs inaudibly. Kagami watches Kuroko mumble something against his straw. "What did you say, Kuroko?" Kagami asks, biting his burger. "Can you ask for me, please?" Kuroko asks, averting his gaze to Kagami. Kagami finishes his burger and digs into his pocket for his phone. He unlocks the security screen and presses the call app. He scrolls through his contacts and opens Shu's contact information. Pressing the call option, Kagami raises the phone to his ear. "Hey, Shu-san," Kagami greets. "I was wondering if you knew what (Name)-san likes? Does she like food?"

Kagami quiets down to hears Shu's response and glances at Kuroko, seeing the blue-haired male stare blankly at him. "Alright, thank you," Kagami tells Shu, pulling away from the phone. Though, he pauses and Kuroko assumes Shu had continued the conversation for unknown reasons. "Oh, you're asking why? Well, Kuroko-kun is--"

Embarrassed, Kuroko snatches the phone from Kagami's grasp and ends the call. He gently places the phone on top of the table and sips onto his drink, pretending he didn't do anything. "Oi, Kuroko-kun," Kagami grunts. Kuroko glances at Kagami and pulls away from his drink. "What did she say," Kuroko questions and Kagami sighs, grabbing his phone. "She likes sweets. Shu-san also said your girlfriend almost got arrested."

"She told me about that." Kuroko states. "Ah, congratulate Shu-san for me, please. She just got into a relationship."

"With who?"


"Hah? They live in a totally different area." Kagami points out. Kuroko shrugs. "I wonder what sweets I should get her."

-     -     -

Kagami walks into the bakery and grumbles quietly. Kuroko asked him to look at the options while he walks into another store on the street. Kagami lingers around the display awkwardly, hoping an employee wouldn't walk up to him. He had no clue as to what (Name) would like, since her personality can be a bit while, and he only knew she liked sweets. He stares deeply at the details of the cake, crouching down to get a better look, and his stomach growls. "Hello, sir! What can I help you with?" An employee asks cheerfully. Kagami tenses up and begins to panic. 

Kuroko exits the store without any bought items, secretly disappointed, and heads to meet Kagami in the bakery. He enters and sees Kagami nervously speaking to an employee about different kinds of cake ideal for a girl. "Excuse me," Kuroko jumps in, surprising the elderly employee. He turns toward Kuroko and smiles shakily. "Oh, my dear child, you scared me." The elderly man confesses. "Sorry mister." Kuroko apologizes, bowing politely. He straightens up and glances at the display of cakes. "Mister, is it possible to request a custom cake?"

-     -     -

"Wow, Kuroko-kun, I didn't think you would go all out," Kagami comments as they leave the bakery. "Of course, I would. If I get to see her smile on our anniversary, then it's worth," Kuroko tells Kagami. "That is so corny," Kagami mutters, smiling. He shakes his head, chuckling, as he ruffles Kuroko's hair. Either way, both boys left the bakery with lighter wallets. 


So Kuroko and Kagami were OOC in this, but I wanted to bend their personalities a bit to make this work. Sorry ;^;

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