Day 4

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12 - 4 - 17

Kuroko is always the first one to be at school, living closer than (Name), and today he replaced his indoor shoes with his usual outdoor pair, but alongside an unusual box. (Name) hops over to his side and greets him,"Hello Tetsuya-san." Kuroko gazes over and waves at her. Without any communication, they walk over to (Name)'s shoe locker. "Do you have practice on Saturday?" (Name) questions the quiet boy. Kuroko ponders, staring at the wall, and shakes his head. "I don't think so, but I'll ask just to be sure."

(Name) grunts as she slides her heel into her loafer and picks up her outdoor shoes, tucking them into her locker. "Alright, I just wanted to see if we could hang out this weekend since it's the first weekend of December." (Name) informs, hiding the real reason. (Name) straightens up and grabs Kuroko's hand, gasping at the new item clothing. "You're wearing the scarf I gave you!" She exclaims, eyes beginning to sparkle. Grabbing the scarf, Kuroko brings it up to his face. "Of course." He comments and leads the two down the hallway into his classroom. Kuroko sits at his desk and (Name) steals Kagami's. However, they do not push them together this time, well maybe a little. (Name) faces away from Kuroko and slowly curves her back to lay on Kuroko's lap. She sighs in content, eyes close, and Kuroko lightly drags the tip of the scarf across (Name)'s face. (Name) pouts and opens her eyes, pushing away Kuroko's hand. "I wanted some extra sleep."

"Well, I want some time with my girlfriend." 

(Name) changes her position to face Kuroko's stomach and grabs his bag that laid beside them. She places the bag on her head to avoid Kuroko from witnessing her blush. "Stupid Kuroko and his stupid words..." (Name) mumbles. Kuroko smiles, but it quickly vanishes once Kagami comes into the room. He yawns loudly and walks over to the two. "Good morning~" He drawls, pulling the chair from underneath (Name) accidentally. "OW." (Name) yelps unexpectedly loud. She slides off Kuroko and sits on the floor, surprised by pull. "Kagami-san, I was using it." (Name) tells her stubborn friend. Kagami raises his eyebrows in question, staring down at the chair he had, and blushes in embarrassment. "S-Sorry, I didn't know. I was too tired."

(Name) scoffs playfully, but decides against an insult so early in the morning. "You're alright, I'm not dying."

"But my leg does sting from the cold floor." (Name) thought to herself. Beginning to dust off her lower half, she stands up and grabs her school bag, checking for validity, and sighs,"I'm gonna go. I think class starts in a few minutes and I want to be sure I did my homework." She turns to Kuroko and leans down, pressing a kiss to his temple. "I'll see you later, Tetsuya-san." She turns to Kagami and pats his back,"Bye, Kagami-san."

Kuroko and Kagami watch the female exit the classroom and Kagami turns to Kuroko. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's almost been a year of you two dating, and you're still being formal?" Kagami questions, bewildered. "Of course, (Name)-san and I are taking it slow," Kuroko responds. "...I guess, but it's just weird in my opinion. You just call each other by your first name, but politely. If I didn't know better, I'd say you're just friends or something." Kagami expresses, tilting his head to ponder. "Okay, Kagami-kun," Kuroko says. The teacher comes in and everyone stands in unison.

-     -     -

Bag in hand, Kagami walks up to Kuroko as he continues packing. "Also, Kuroko-kun, (Name) and I call each other just by our first names and we're not that close." Kagami points out. "Yeah, you're right." Kuroko agrees, pulling his bag up to his shoulder. "Where do you two hang out at lunch?" Kagami questions. "We eat in the classroom, mine, or hers, and sometimes even random ones." Kuroko answers. (Name) slides on the shiny tiled floors to Kuroko's classroom door and smiles brightly, waving at him. "Do you wanna hang out with us, Kagami-kun?" Kuroko asks while waving at the female. He looks up at him, waiting for an answer, as (Name) beings to walk up to the two. "Yeah," Kagami agrees, and the three head out.

-     -     -

Another day of the school's closure and Kuroko pulls (Name) to his locker, refusing to let her change her shoes first. He brings out the brown, plain box from inside his shoe locker and hands it over to (Name). (Name) holds onto it, not sure whether it is hers or she's carrying it and watches Kuroko switch shoes. Kuroko glances at her and points at the box,"This is for you."

"It is?" (Name) raises an eyebrow, pondering at the many objects it could be. She opens the lid and two red matching mittens meet her gaze. She gasps and takes them out, handing the box to Kuroko. She examines them and notices a unique design weaved into the top. She pushes her fingers through the molds of the mitten and stares at the design. "I had someone knit them for me," Kuroko tells her while she was examining. "You had them knit your face onto the mittens?" (Name) questions, nonetheless ecstatic. "Yeah, it'll show people who gave them to you."

(Name) giggles and glances at her boyfriend. "These are cute, Tetsuya-san!" She exclaims, staring at the knitted chibi faces of her boyfriend. "About that (Name)-san." Kuroko starts. (Name) breaks her gaze away from the adorable mittens and stares at her boyfriend, feeling the atmosphere switch at the serious topic. "I want you to call me by my first name." Kuroko finishes, staring into her (color) eyes. (Name) smiles,"Okay. I don't mind. You can call me by my first name too."

Kuroko gives a small smile and nods. "Okay, (Name)."

(Name) giggles and sighs,"That sounds right." (Name) wraps her arms around Kuroko's neck and embraces him into a warm hug. "Thank you, Tetsuya."

Kuroko returns the hug,"You're welcome, (Name)."

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