Day 5

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12 - 5 - 17

(Name) sat on Kuroko's lap underneath a kotatsu. Eyes already shut, (Name) can feel herself falling asleep from the contrasting warmth of the kotatsu and the frosty air. Kuroko's skin radiated more warmth and she felt heavenly. Kuroko wrapped his arms around her waist and slowly lays on the carpeted ground. He felt sleepy himself from all the things that happened in one week. He yawns, looking down at (Name), and slowly shuts his eyes. (Name) tries to stay awake, but her eyelids refuse to listen. About to sleep, her bedroom door slams open, forcing (Name) to open her eyes. In the doorway stands a short, brunet in cargo pants and a blue shirt. His slippers were slipped on messily as he yawns, rubbing one of his eyes. "Kyō?" (Name) mumbles tiredly, leaning on her elbow. She looks around for Kuroko and feels a hand on her waist. Sitting up, she stretched with a quiet groan, and yawns,"What's wrong, Kyō?"

"I'm bored." The 6-year-old whines, rubbing his eyes. "You just woke up though." (Name) tells her cousin, knowing he was taking a nap. "I want to play with you." Kyō whines once more. "I'm with my boyfriend, Kyō." (Name) tells him, a bit annoyed. "What boyfriend?" He asks, looking around in confusion. (Name) furrows her eyebrows in confusion before remembering her boyfriend's 'condition'. (Name) sits up and adjusts her knees, grabbing onto Kuroko's shoulder. "Tetsuya-sa--" (Name) pauses, clearing her throat. "Tetsuya, wake up."

A piercing scream makes her jump and she stares at Kyō like he was crazy. "When was he there?" He shouts, walking closer to them. He crept closer to Kuroko like he was a ghost going to pounce on him any second. "Kyō, he's not a ghost." (Name) drones, sighing tiredly. "I've been here the whole time," Kuroko speaks out, scaring both of them. "Tetsuya, I thought you were still sleeping." Kuroko sits up and yawns, shaking his head. With sleepy eyes, he brings up his hand and brushes his hand against her cheek. (Name) blushes and Kyō pout, rushing to her side and embracing her. 

"(Name)-chan said you're her boyfriend." Kyō taunts childishly. Kuroko rubs one of his eyes and nods. "I am her boyfriend, Kyō," Kuroko answers, sitting up and leaning against the bed. Kyō stares at Kuroko, sizing him up,"Hmp!" He grabs (Name)'s hand and starts to pull her. "Come on (Name)-chan, let's go play some board games!" (Name) sighs and stands up, following Kyō to his temporary room. Before exiting the room, (Name) looks back at Kuroko with an apologetic smile. "Sorry Tetsuya," she mouths. Kuroko gives a small smile and stands up. 

-     -     -

Halfway through the game, Kuroko came in and scared Kyō. "Can you let him play too, Kyō?" (Name) questions, sending him a pleading expression. Kyō furrows his eyebrows and crosses his arms. He looks at the two of them and glances at the board. "Okay, fine, but no funny business!" Kyō informs, sitting down on the pillow. "Thank you Kyō," Kuroko speaks out. "Yeah, whatever." Kyō shot back. Kuroko takes a game piece and positions it at the start. Kyō points at him, signaling him to start. Kuroko grabs the pair of dice and shakes them between his enclosed hands. He gently throws them down on the board and it read seven. He grabs his game piece and moved seven spaces up. "So Kyō, do you like (Name)?" Kuroko questions unexpectedly. (Name) glances at him in confusion and shifts her gaze to her cousin. "Of course, she's my best friend." Kyō answeres, grabbing the dice. He shakes, drops, and moves five spaces. (Name) grabs the dice, shaking it longer than expected due to the strange conversation. "Really, how long have you known her?" Kuroko continues. "Since I was born! How about you?"

"Since the third year of middle school."  

"Ha, I knew her longer." Kyō attempts to taunt. (Name) internally sighs, knowing how competitive her cousin can be. (Name) drops the dice and moves ten spaces up, landing on community chest. She picks up the card, reading the context quietly, and places it on her side. "What did it say?" Kyō questions, straightening up. "It's a surprise." (Name) giggles, witnessing her cousin's frustrated expression. Kyō stares at the table while Kuroko takes the dice before looking up at (Name). "(Name)-chan, what's a boyfriend?" Kyō questions, not exactly sure about the term. (Name) looks at Kyō with a raised eyebrow. She taps her chin, pondering her explanation. "Um, in my case, a boyfriend is someone who I love and cherish for." 

"Then I'm your boyfriend too, right?" Kyō questions, noticing the sparkle in his eye. "Kyō, no. It's more complicated to explain."

"A boyfriend is someone who is romantic and not family. He protects his girlfriend and makes her feel loved. He wishes to be the best he can be in her life." Kuroko answers instead. The two look at him and Kyō stick out his tongue. "I wasn't--"

"Kyō, stop being rude please." (Name) warns, glaring at the boy. Kyō shuts his mouth and stares down at the board with a frown. (Name) glances at Kuroko and smiles. "That was cute, Tetsuya." (Name) tells him, leaning closer to him. "I spoke the truth about it. I mean, that's how I feel about you." Kuroko says. (Name) giggles and pecks his lips. Kuroko sighs and wraps his arm around her waist. 

-     -     -

(Name)'s Guardian came back in the afternoon. Now having someone watch Kyō, (Name) pulls Kuroko into her room. She pushes him onto her bed and lays on top of him. "Peace at last." (Name) comments, snuggling into Kuroko's chest. Kuroko turns to his side and wraps his arm around her waist once more, (Name)'s back facing toward him, and lays his head on top of hers. He wraps a blanket around the two and (Name) turns around in his grip. "Let's continue to nap," she drones, already beginning to doze off. "Agreed," Kuroko says and tangles their legs together. "I love you," (Name) spoke.

"I love you too."

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