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We have finally made it to a more steamy chapter, if i were you and wasn't the one writing the story, I would be excited! If any of you don't want the bad just skip when you see: ⚠️ and when you see it again that will be the end of the part, ENJOY!


In my bathroom I am trying to quickly curl my hair in four minutes, two minutes to do my makeup, then the other one minute and thirty-two second to get dressed it the white underwear Master bought me.

I decide that big loose curls are enough for tonight, and some simple makeup just some dark red lipstick some dramatic eyeliner and a tad bit of foundation other than my outfit I was ready, master didn't say he wanted me to wear shoes and he didn't bring me any so I'm guessing I'm going bare foot.

I pull off my teal panties and pull the expensive feeling garments the panties were high waisted ,so much that they covered my bellybutton, the bra was elegant the straps going from the front of my ribs to the back of them somehow making me look skinnier which wasn't a bad thing I stood in front of the mirror admiring the beautiful set of underwear, the white lace made my skin look tanner and my hair look blonder, highlighting  the more blonde part of my hair.

Realizing I lost track of time I rush out of my new walk-in closet full of panties and bras and into my room I look onto the opposite wall to the big clock ticking loudly, i was late...

Only my a few minutes surely the guests haven't arrived yet I reassure myself trying to be positive.

I quickly run out my room and down the many flights of stairs I enter large the meeting room, nobody there, dread fills my stomach as I knew I would get yelled at for this.

I turn left and see the big dining room doors are closed, meaning it's being occupied also meaning the damn people were on time.

I slowly inch my way to the door and quietly pull the door open, hopefully no one sees me and I can get away without getting in trouble.

As enter the conversations stop and all eyes are on me I look down not wanting them to get the wrong idea, I quickly kneel next to master on the opposite side of Bella who was glaring hole into me, she was wearing a black pair of lace underwear almost see through the bottoms were a thong and the bralette had a strap going on top of her breast and one going to her ribs, it was very pretty more sexy than mine, mine looked like I was a eighty year old lady compared to hers, don't get me wrong I love the set but I kinda wish mine was a little more sexy.

I look up to Master and he just looked down at me, I already knew I was going to get in trouble after this.

I look down at the ground and hear a mans voice say "Who's this?" I'm guessing they gestured to me but I don't dare look at anybody too scared of what might happen to me.

"You don't recognize her, Guyer?" Master asks and my eyes instantly shoot up to find Mr. Shaffy sitting a few seats over from the other man sitting next to master.

My eyes connect with his eyes, his were wide with surprise mine were probably the same.

I quickly look away not wanting to offend him, but I felt his eyes lingering on my body, "You must have done a lot of beating to get that attitude out of her, she was a terror" Mr.Guyer states.

But he was right I was really bad when I was with him I would cause as much trouble as I could whenever I had the chance, for some reason I wanted to change that maybe it was Lily and Laynie i don't really want to imagine my life without them.

"Oh no never" Master says quickly "She is very well behaved...most of the time"

Keeping my eyes down I felt everyone's eyes on my like they're eyes were lasers and they were burning me with them.

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