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Ok guys we got to #18 in naughty?????? How last time I had checked we we're at like six hundred now we are over sixty thousand!!!! I can't thank you enough but let's get onto the next chapter ❤.

It will be a little confusing if you didn't read all of the last chapter but to sum things up Candace basically almost got raped and master said he wouldn't let anything happen but he went off with another whore nas she found out and is now heartbroken and waiting to either be killed or sent back.... So hope that sums up everything


I wake with sore eyes and a major headache thanks to the crying, sleep deprivation, and the possibility of going through shock last night.

I decide to lay there for a while leaving my head blank and feeling numb. But the numbness felt good, way better than the pain and sadness of last night.

I look up to the wall that hold the new clock i had convinced Master into getting. Bad thought. Not getting the clock but thinking of Master.

I imagine his rugged face and what it looks like when he just gets out of bed in the morning to go to the bathroom and gets ready for his long days of work.

And how sweetly he treated me last night, how he held my hand so gently and how he tried to guide me through what was going to happen.

Then my mind drifts the the sight of his face in the ladies brea- no don't think about that think of the good things he's done for you.

At least he kept me my virginity and that the other man didn't go too far... then the memories of last night flashed like an alarm before me him chasing after me... Me searching for Master to save me from the actual living monster that was running after me down the hallway.... The moaning coming from the playroom...

Sobs wrack my body before I even know I'm crying the tears pour down my scrunched up face. I peel the sheets that smell like Master off of my cold body and kneel down on all fours on the floor trying to get some fresh air into my lungs but they just weren't working like they were supposed to.

'In through your nose baby' I remember her sweet soothing voice always saying to me 'out through your mouth'

Automatically I breathe in trough my nose and out through my mouth just like my mom would tell me to do whenever I had an attack as I had a lot when I was a child.

After calming down do I realise the male voice that sounds like Masters is somehow calmly yelling outside of the door.

"Candace please let me in" he yells almost nicely... Only he would be able to do that yell at someone but sound so kind at the same time.

"No" I say weakly my voice cracking.

"Please" he states more than asks, not that I expected that from him since he's probably more than furious with me.

Crawling over to the door so I don't have to speak so loudly and hurt my head even more than it is. "I can't let you in" I say.

"Sweet heart" he pauses "Why not?"

The sound of his voice softening makes my stomach jumble into a knot and makes me want to unlock the door and have him hold me in a long hug.

But all of the stuff that happened last night will not make him happy and I know that won't end well.

"I did something you won't like," I say wiping my nose with the back of my hand "you'll send me back. But I don't want to go back"

I really didn't, I liked it here with Laynie and Lillian they were some of my only friends since I was taken.

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