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Guys I can't believe much this book has blown up!! This is sooo great I was very happy reading your comments and I'm Soo thankful for the people who point out the errors I missed! To me is a little weird and boring reading my story over and over again so when I see your comments trying to help is a big deal! So thank you for that too!! I have so much love for you all and hope you are having a wonderful day!❤


After almost and hour a knock rapped on the bedroom door. I sit there not feeling like doing or saying anything to let the person on the other side of the door know that I didn't want any company.

I'd much rather be alone in this warm bed that smelt so much like him. It was most likely Master outside the big door but for right now I don't want to accept my fate. Master was going to court because of me. If everything that had happened the other night hadn't made me feel like complete garbage this will certainly make me that way.

The door opened and Lily's head pokes around the corner right before she throws the door open and runs to the bed to wrap her arms around me in a hug. We sat there for a moment just holding each other, or in other words she was holding me together.
We release each other after a long while and she pulls me away to look me in the eyes,But the look her own was so full of pity and sadness it broke me.

I could feel the tears welling in my eyes and sit there before they finally fall. With my chin quivering I say "Lily I-it was so terrible" through a sob.

Lily and I had gotten really close over the weeks she was my best friend, I needed her and she needed me.

"I know hun, I know" she says grabbing the back of my head and gently putting it to her shoulder "Are you okay?"

I process the question through my mind for a moment "No" I blurt out. I almost got freaking raped and acted like it was okay for Master to go off with some prostitute while it all happened. I was not okay with anything at the moment. Especially about how calm I was about the whole thing today in the bath. How I forgave him... That was not okay for me to do. He was in the wrong, not me.

"I'm so sorry" Lily says sympathetic.

Suddenly sitting up from still laying on her shoulder I yell "No I'm not okay! I almost got raped and I am trying to act like nothing happened. Well guess what,stuff happened and its not going to go back to normal so I am going to have to make him know that it is not okay and that I'm not okay! What an idiot I was to let him off the hook that easily! He was in the wrong. Why am I acting like it's my fault?!"

"Wow, uh okay... That was good wasn't it??" Lily says a little taken aback.

"Yeah it's was!" I shout with adrenaline still running through my veins "He needs to know I did absolutely nothing wrong!"

"Darling you went against the rules though..." Lily says quiently and hesitantly "You were ordered to go along with it"

I whip my head around to look at her to see if she was being serious, and she was, even though she looked sad saying it with her hand in her lap and head down looking ashamed, she said it and maybe it was true but I don't really think she has ever had to go through that sort of thing.

"Are you serious right now?"

"Yes" she replies "they said only your master can say when its not okay, no hitting or backtalking. You cannot just blame Mr. Miles, yes he told you that nothing bad would happen but, you didnt follow what you were told"

The fact the she was so calm about it all was what really sobered me up from the adrenaline, maybe it was partly my fault but he didnt keep his promise like he said. He said I was special or I wouldnt be here but how long is that really gonna last?

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