Chapter 5

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    I glanced around, spotting Reo, James and…Arthurtoo.

“And so, even the Slytherins are here. Let’s begin” It was pale Professor Moody floating to the middle of the room. Students and other teachers gathered around in a huge circle. I stood between Taylor and Scorpius. I had no idea why, but being next to Scorpius made me feel comfortable and warm. So, I inched closer to him, making a visible gap between me and Taylor.

  “We shall begin with a roll call” Professor Moody said and took out a long roll of parchment and a beautiful quill to tick our names. As the roll call went on, I realised that there are a sum of 28 of us. 7 members from each house. And one odd thing I saw was that we were chucked into dorms according to the DA members of each house. Thanks to the roll call, I finally got to know a few of the students.

   There was this Akiko kid in-wow! Electric blue hair. Only then I realised that she was a Metamorphmagus and was made a Ravenclaw last night. So, she probably shed the pinks and turned on the blues. Then I saw a pair of Hufflepuff siblings in mousy brown hair who were standing in the corner of the room. To my surprise, Scorpius whispered in my ears (His warm breath hit my cheeks and radiated into a smile on my lips) that they were from a pure-blooded royal family or so. The names if I was not mistaken were FEV and DEV-third years. Another strange thing that definitely caught my attention was a herd of redhairs. The Weasleys. Eight of them spread over four houses in Hogwarts. But none managed to land in Slytherin for God’s sake. A big happy family I s’pose.

   Then it ended, I mean the roll call ended with Yona Zlaire, a Ravenclaw girl with a lazy looking posture and sleek black hair as short as a decent boy’s should be. She was sitting next to a pair of dirty-blonde haired twins of Ravenclaw too. Both of them were definitely grabbing most of the girl’s attention out at the corridors and they were Lorcas and Lysander Scamanders-first years.

    The whole lot of the students were briefed with the rules and regulations of the DA. To my surprise, James stepped forward as the DA leader and gave the boring briefing. Then he gave away for the history of DA the take place. The history of DA goes this way.

     “The once upon a time begins with a boy called Harry Potter and his friends deciding to establish this secret club illegally under the nose of their worst and wicked Defence Against Dark Arts (DADA) teacher due to the reason that they were having their big exams ahead. They named the club the Defence Association. Only, they made DA stand for Dumbledore’s Army in case anyone found out, because that was the Ministry’s worst fear-having the great wizard of all times Albus Dumbledore, to lead a pack of students and get them armed with tonnes of Defence knowledge supposingly to attack the Ministry and deal with the secrets they’ve been storing about the Dark Lord. So, Harry Potter and his friends had their training in this very same room some 20 years ago.” Wait-Harry Potter? POTTER? JAMES POTTER?? Got it! So, he is the Potter heir. No wonder he is the DA leader. The son of a brave warrior.

   On again, back to the history. “Soon came what people feared the most. The rise of The Dark Lord Voldemort. Lord Voldemort evoked the 2nd Wizarding War by tricking Albus Dumbledore to death. This,of course brewed anger and rage in the DA and they fought back together led by Harry Potter and finally got rid of Voldemort. They won....” his lazy voice faded in the atmosphere. I flinched back as he surprisingly continued in a loud voice.

   “AND that is why we are still alive today. I meant, I was born as a Potter today. In order to appreciate the courage and bravery the past DA had had to fight the Dark times, this association still exists for those who are prepared, mind and heart to deal with danger. As Harry Potter once said, “Those brave wizards started out as nothing more than us, students. If they can do it, then why not us?” So, why not us?” the room broke into a loud applause. He awkwardly pasted a broad smile on his face and stalked over to Arthur and Reo. If anything had been a stale speech in my life, it has been James’s speech. I yawned glancing at my watch. It was almost breakfast time. Just then, Professor Jack Andros, our to-be-History teacher, started giving out sheets of papers to us about the DA. It was a thick stapled bunch of papers. I yawned again as I ignorantly chucked it into my bag. Scorpius who didn’t bring any bag, shoved his paper in my bag too before I zipped it. “ Keep it for me.” He stood up, preparing to leave for breakfast. Just then-

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